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Author[Event] Dungeon Caves
I am not sure if upgrading early is totally a bad idea, I think I have and it seems ok.

Total army strength: 11,312
Victories / Combats: 44 / 47

Silver available: 6,801
Silver gained: 498,441

just upgraded my bows to wardens, jumping to this from 7231 strength when I did it. Still go 13 battles to do to develop.

The significant thing is I want to replace some of my shooters, just hoping to find either rogues, succubi or orcs to do that. Can then build a big stack of them before I upgrade.
someone from top 100 can share a battle ?
someone from top 100 can share a battle ?


Here :)
Plan didn't work out so great, not a single stack found that I really wanted to replace existing shooters, too often forced to go for silver I didn;t want yet, or stacks that aren't quite right. So happy overall, but not as good as it could been (last battle especially was poor)

Total army strength: 13,748
Victories / Combats: 57 / 60

Silver available: 52,394
Silver gained: 632,743

Still hoping to pick up succubi, mistresses or orcs......

for -Cip-: you can watch anyones battles for this event, though for ease this is one of mine that went well

someone from top 100 can share a battle ?

currently in 43


i play safe normally
Can someone share upgrade cost for ogre magi or goblin warlock?
for IComeInPeace:
For ogre magi, 1 unit cost approx 1k silver
I have 38 ogres and it cost 38,228 silver to upgrade.
It costs nearly 134k silver to upgrade 333 goblins to goblin warlocks.
Thats ~417 silver a piece.
Thanks :) Will be good to know on the last day or two
After 65 battles finally found some rogues, just saving silver to upgrade them, though not many battles left.

I can imagine there will be a lot of late gains into the top of the table as people upgrade, very difficult to predict where you will end up when all is said and done. Lots of .commers around at the top though which is always good:)

Total army strength: 16,501
Victories / Combats: 67 / 70

Silver available: 80,706
Silver gained: 728,418
16 battles left and finally got my wardens :)

1227. IComeInPeace 10,446
Silver available: 478,171

35. IComeInPeace 18,977
Silver available: 3,454
I think for this final section getting silver to upgrade troops is generally more efficient. I think army strength goes up by about 1 for each 50 silver invested.

Consequently gaining 30,000 silver in a battle will raise you by 600 strength when used to upgrade. I do not think it is particularly viable to get the same amount of strength from recruiting more troops, perhaps if you can keep hold of a full stack not in a cage from something you have not go before you may have a chance.
does anyone know top score at the moment?

I had to delete the names because it wouldn't accept my message, I'm guessing because of the Cyrillic names
Thanks LL :)
Just did a test for army gain, for those in the end, if you have enough troops to upgrade definitely go for silver.
I'm also finding that I seem to get a bigger army for not really much more silver than I was getting when I had 5000 less strength. As such you may be better off farming silver then upgrading all right at the end when all your battles are done (unless you are upgrading those in your main army.
Good all done, nice event but glad I'm done.

Total army strength: 23,114
Victories / Combats: 77 / 80

Silver available: 1,271
Silver gained: 1,002,189

currently 24th though expect to fall to around 150 to 200 mark (if not lower if lots of people have been storing silver)

Still 33 HG points and 17 potions on top of anything else is plenty good for me, especially since I lost 2 in the first 10 due to being an absolute muppet.

Seen lots of .commers around the leaderboard, many with 10 battles left so hoping for really good representation at the top.

Time to see how much I can sell potions for and free up my now clogged inventory.
lol already 37th, may be falling lots then!
Total army strength: 23,770
Victories / Combats: 77 / 80

Was boring the last 2 days =)
Interesting event summing it up though.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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