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Author[News] Hunting Season
From what I can see from the market you needed at least 1 record to get an artifact. But it's really odd though:

Forest dagger
Durability: 20/20 (20)
Granted to the lordship Ìèâ Øìàéëåð, who proved himself in the hunting season.
Total number of battles: 8
Victories: 6
Records set: 1


Forest dagger
Durability: 20/20 (20)
Granted to the lordship ñëàâðåíòèé, who proved himself in the hunting season.
Total number of battles: 59
Victories: 42
Records set: 1

So both got the exact same durability while the other played 51 more battles with 36 more victories, this alone is so wrong on many levels. Bravo admin, every time I think you can't reach lower you outdo yourself, bravo.
@Slust, you mean this? :

Gold: 57,470
HG points: : 23.70
HR artefacts: 12
Abu-Bakir's Charm
Parts of "Imperial helmet": 30

Those are the gold I got from completing quests, the HG points from the victories and the 12 hunter artifacts dropped during some battles. The charm came at 40th match and the 30 parts by completing up to 55 wins. It's just a list what I gained during the event itself. So, no I have not gotten anything from this event, not even gold, I had the same 246k gold yesterday and still have the exact same gold today.
As in I didn't even get any extra helmet parts.

At least the dungeon event gave me gold, an artifact and 14 extra helmet parts. This one gave me completely nothing.
for Lawton:
Dungeon: you get nothing

Hunting: 340 gold, 0.2 HG (times X wins)

There are two event formats, one which is the format of most old events, you get gold each win but at the end you get no gold, just an artifact.

And then is the "newer" (that way for years) format where you get no gold in each battle which is the most common now but you instead get it back at the end.
A lot of people are ending some events in negative gold balance (they spent more for arts that they got from event).

In this event a lot of people are on the same with money (without selling arts), but they got a lot of extra HG points, FSP, hunter arts, arnaments and helmet parts.

So they got a lot of stuff for free.

And I can talk for myself: played this with wizard - i just bought that castle and i got a lot of experiences with how to play as a wizard.. A lot of hard battles in short time where you have to use different tactics to win.

I liked this event. :)
@Slust, I didnt get anything, even the official announcement doesn't even mention any gold, which so far it did if it gave any. Now it only sais:

'Every Lord who has established at least one record was awarded by:
1) The points of the Hunter's Guild - 3 points for each record;
2) Gold - for 100 * [combat level] for each record;
3) An unique hunting artifact, the durability of which depends on the number of established records;
4) Achievement on the Lord’s personal information page.
And best of the best, who managed to set 10 records or more, is given an artifact of increased durability from the sets of the Master Hunter, Great Hunter or Beastbane. One artifact for every 10 records.'

And for your knowledge, there have been other events where the battles itself also gave around 340 gold but at the finish of it still gave gold and stuff. Like I said and I will repeat: This event gave me absolutely nothing after the end of it and this is the very first time that an event has done this. Name one other event that has given absolutely nothing when the awards got dispensed.
Total combats: 72
Victories: 64

Quests completed: 21
Active records: 13

Gold: 104,828
HG points: : 69.80
HR artefacts: 14
Abu-Bakir's Charm
Parts of "Imperial helmet": 30

HR artefacts [+10/+10]: 1
Forest dagger

Records makea difference here, it adds a fair chunk of gold at the end. If you got no records then yes the only gold you get directly is from the battles or selling your looted arts. To me there are issues to this event, but expense i would not say is one of them.n more than most other events there is a profitable point at 40 wins where the Abu-bakr s charm compensates for most of the costs and the other rewards cover the rest. Past this point when it gets harder whether you to it is with investing depends upon personal circumstances.,
And for your knowledge, there have been other events where the battles itself also gave around 340 gold but at the finish of it still gave gold and stuff.


This event gave me absolutely nothing after the end of it and this is the very first time that an event has done this.

Which is wrong. It is the 3rd hunt event we have.
Total combats: 69
Victories: 57

Quests completed: 15
Active records: 17

Gold: 95,030
HG points: : 81.40
HR artefacts: 8
Abu-Bakir's Charm
Parts of "Imperial helmet": 30

HR artefacts [+10/+10]: 1
Forest dagger 28/28

Had good times with this event, alhtough I agree with many that there's room for improvement. Mostly the 'top by 0.2HG' was way too easy for stealing a record. Like someone said I think it would be better to have something like -5% difficulty for 0.2HG, and setting new records should require clearly bigger enemies

Very good rewards too, plenty of gold, ABC, HG points, helmet pieces and a few arts for yet some more gold
I really didn't understand how this event worked at all. I did one battle & got my ass handed to me (even though the battle said "easy". I thought I'm finally getting a chance to obtain helmet parts, but this seemed impossible and expensive to do. Hope the next event is a bit more fun & less complicated.
for Mammary:
An easy hunt is a hunt that was won with minor losses in your army. It can actually mean it is a tough record to beat, because it forces you to beat another 20%. Personnaly I used it to secure some records.

Here for exemple:

That was one of my "easy" records. Not impossible to beat I guess but I would expect to either run short of arrows or fail to lock the AI long enough to grind it down and lose miserably if just using my setup.
@Slust, actually it was the 4th hunt event, first one gave forest charm, second one forest cloak, thirth one forest bow and this the fourth one forest dagger.
But are you meaning to tell me that this is the only event that when awards get dispensed most people get nothing, absolutely nothing?
But whats the problem? You get plenty of things and gold in event.

I got 66,000 gold in dungeon event and i got 66,000 gold (not counting selling BB sword 25/25 and dagger 27/27) in this event. Its acctually better for people who does not have much gold -> for finishing event they don't have to take loans. :)
Only thing about this event's reward that makes me sad, is that I did not get an achievement on my profile. Something like "Quests handed in: " would've been nice.
Btw thanks to whoever made the translation for the results announcement
for Meshy:
Yea, i thought so too when i saw in result announcement...that we will get some badge or something. :D
But are you meaning to tell me that this is the only event that when awards get dispensed most people get nothing, absolutely nothing?

this is not the only event to give out gold during the event itself and not after the event...
for the parts it is clearly not stated in the official event announcement and it gave 30 parts from battles instead of usual 21 parts...
for the artifact...
come on man i did 61/69 and also gt a 20 dura art...
you always choose to see the bad side of things even though so many people have pointed out to you that we got lots of gold through each battle and quests...
even half a abc which is worth a lot ...
Such a pity,
If you want a reward, must have done something worth getting. The announcement clearly states 'Atleast 1 record medal'
Apart from that you already got gold, HG and gold from quest too.
Whatever admins do, there are always people finding some flaws.

for IComeInPeace:
You're welcome ;)
If you want a reward, must have done something worth getting.
If you're good in one event doesn't mean you have to be good in all of them, some people did really well in this event and might not have performed well in the dungeon event. Life gives everyone fair chances.
for ProZyk:
for kulala:

Well just to clarify, people are just saying that this event has the lowest rewards compared to other events nowadays. Also, it's worse if the only castle you have is elf, no questions about that.
Total combats: 64
Victories: 55

Quests completed: 15
Active records: 4

Gold: 53,510
HG points: : 50.50
HR artefacts: 13
Abu-Bakir's Charm
Parts of "Imperial helmet": 30

HR artefacts [+10/+10]: 0
Forest dagger

Had 15 records and must've lost them in the last hour... (Really hate that 0.2 attack with 1 creature more)
But was a profitable event for me :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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