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Holy Fire dwarf

AuthorHoly Fire dwarf
I'm looking to finish off my dwarf quest before I level and so equipped my pirate set, which now has even more mana than before.

Normally I have used a holy talent set to make use of this mana and spell power, though it is still overkill in terms of mana and spell power.

It is now at the stage where perhaps with this set, have a holy and dominion of fire build may be viable given the huge bonuses to this set.

What are peoples thoughts?

Clearly it will take a bit before your troops are buffed and then start casting fireballs, but is the extra defence reduction worth it.

You could do it without investing anything in increasing spell power (I would get 20% reduction if I did this).
The real question is: for which battle? Without further details, I would personnaly go with either holy or destruction, the key thing is that it will take a while to get going and wathever bonus you get when say half your army is down is not necessarily worth giving up on 2 or 3 luck or so.
It would only be worthwhile (if at all) in a campaign battle against a hero lead army. So far I have only used either pure might dwarf or a holy dwarf, but there is a lot of effectively wasted stat points in this as pirate sets gives loads, and even more so now.

HAs anyone tried a pure chaos dwarf as well as that would be the only otherway of actually using these stats.
Reading it up again I would say no, -20% defense isn't worth sacrifying up more talents IMO. Once you're done with holy buff you can still find more exotic uses like teleport and to be true dwarf kind of plays as a strong up-front faction, like getting chastise after using rune of crusade or retribution is already a big loss of potential but on the other hand you need to use it up quickly.

So it's tempting to use all this SP for sure but I think that best use of runes comes from hitting hard from the start, afterwards you'll be stronger sure but most of your potential will be gone. Pirate captain is a strong set already even if you can't use effectively all that magic stats.
it is useful at the last battle of the undead campaign, and only useful at that.
http://prntscr.com/k0kij1 I can take this as holy dwarf

http://prntscr.com/k0kiqj And this with holy / DoF dwarf

I think it might be okay, though with my (personal) luck, 3 luck won't be enough (2 from talent + clover of fortune)

and with dwarf, a lot of the time, the battle is decided by the time hero moves. :P
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