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AuthorWhy am I not raising the same amount of troops?
In this battle:
I raise 31 dreadlords.

In this battle:
I raise 29 dreadlords.

Talents, SP are similar and I was using potion both times.
We can't see your second link. It doesn't have the show for all part
Here's show for all for 2nd battle:
My first thought was that the potion gave you a different FL in each battle but both your allies had FL 12 so you should have had FL 11 both times. The only thing I can think of is the dominion of undeath talent - we don't know how much it increases raise dead by and what influences it (admins never revealed the formula) so it could be because of that. But only your attack and defense are different in the battles (KN and SP are same) and it seems unlikely that this would influence dominion of undeath. Sorry, I realize this is not very helpful :p
Then let me add to the confusion:

Again everything similar to where I raise 29 including attack and defense but I raise 31 too.

Initially I wanted to check if there is a link beetween damage increase and raise efficiency but in the 3 battles there is no correlation so I guess it's only for troops/damaging spells.
If nobody has an answer, maybe it should be moved to bug section?
silly question, but in this kind of battles, doesn't the potion give the same FL-1 as the opponent? (not the ally)

in that case, if one the second opponent had a slightly lower FSL it would explain the difference, right?
I thought the potion granted FL-1 of the AI opponent or FL-1 of the ally (if same level), whichever is higher. But if guyb is right, then that would explain the difference. It is possible for AI heroes to have different FL.
I am now confident that you had different FL in each battle, which is what caused the difference in raising efficiency. You can verify this easily by checking your troop stats. In your first battle, you had 47 attack and your death envoys had 81 attack. You had 52 attack in the next battle but your envoys had 84 attack only (should be 86 if same FL, armaments are the same in both battles).

This means that you had a lower FL in the second battle, which makes sense because your raise dead spell was weaker.
Weird but it makes sense. Nice catch.
closed by Slust (2018-07-08 10:36:50)
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