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AuthorMake ABC cheaper with Diamonds
The current cost for Abu Bakir's Charm (ABC) is 50k gold or 10 diamonds. Since 10 diamonds are equivalent to 50k so diamond users don't prefer to buy ABC with diamonds.

My suggestion is to make it a bit cheaper with diamonds so that people spend more diamonds ^^
Since 10 diamonds are equivalent to 50k so diamond users don't prefer to buy ABC with diamonds.

I buy it with diamonds

I buy it with diamonds

Majority of users. If they would have 50k gold they would spend that on ABC and rather exchanged 10 diamonds for gold whenever they need to.
No I almost allways have 50+K gold, but I bought ABC with gold only once by mistake (clicked on phone on wrong link). I rather buy diamonds if i don't have any and spend 10 on ABC.. :)
I think that makes sense, maybe those who buy diamonds constantly it makes no difference, but for those maybe who buy it on occassion it would make sense to make it a little more incentive for them

After all it shouldnt be too hard for admins to get a figure for how many players have ABC and compare this to how many buy it with diamonds. If they did this they can work out the cost model of reducing the price, but maybe they already do this
i also usually buy it with diamonds when i get it but i tend to agree that it should be slightly cheaper if you do buy it with diamonds. Take your castle for example when you use diamonds to upgrade your troops. If you count a diamond as 5k gold then it is slightly cheaper to upgrade your troops with diamonds than to pay with gold and resources. Since that is the case in the castle it doesn't really make sense that it isn't the same for the artifact shop
Since ABC can be very good if used to its potential, perhaps it is not such a bad idea to have it equally affordable (or not affordable?) for donors and casual players..
If you count a diamond as 5k gold then it is slightly cheaper to upgrade your troops with diamonds than to pay with gold and resources. Since that is the case in the castle it doesn't really make sense that it isn't the same for the artifact shop
This isn't actually always true.


5,000 * 20 = 100,000 (purchasing upgrade with diamonds)

If we want to use gold it's 80,000 + 60(180) + 20 (362) = 98,040

I'm using 362 for the resources because I can't be bothered to check which are 360 and which are empire only atm.

Whilst the difference is small, it is there. I think the difference is greater for some of the other upgrades.
This isn't actually always true.

Thanks for catching that but I stand by it my statement with an addition to the argument. For arguments sake lets assume that as whole the cost for Diamond upgrades is the same as using gold and resources. I'm not saying it is the same but it should be close enough. If you also take into account that you can get the upgrades at earlier levels with diamonds than you can with gold and resources that gives an additional benefit where the ABC gives you nothing extra for using real money to purchase it.

So I guess I can see an argument for not raising the price but there should be an additional benefit to purchasing the ABC with diamonds over gold.
i dont see why such thing is needed.
Don't get me wrong, making ABC cheaper with diamonds will benefit me a lot. But I am against this mostly on the grounds it would increase the feel of "pay to win" which I am against.

For arguments sake lets assume that as whole the cost for Diamond upgrades is the same as using gold and resources. I'm not saying it is the same but it should be close enough.

Lol "let's say for arguments sake that the situation is something different to what it actually is for my sake."
Lol "let's say for arguments sake that the situation is something different to what it actually is for my sake."

If it is within a few thousand gold then it is close enough for the second portion of my argument. which is for everything else in the game there is a benefit to buying with diamonds but for ABC there isn't. no one is is saying make it crazy cheap or give some insane benefit but the item is out of place in that there isn't any benefit to buying it with diamonds.

literally look at anything else you can buy in the game with diamonds and there is some other benefit received either because its cheaper with diamonds or because you can get upgrades early.

That is all i'm saying the ABC is an outlier which doesn't make a lot of sense. that's it. Now Meshy don't be condescending and look at what I am actually saying instead of latching onto semantics.
for Albriech:

Worded way better than I ever could but thats exactly how I feel too :)
+1 to OP (Original Poster?)

You are encouraging buying it with Diamonds (Which benefits Admins!), by decreasing the price in Diamonds (Which benefits Donators!).

... Without making a negative impact on those who buy with Golds, since the price in Gold remains the same.
So Gj.
And I don't think THAT many of players buy with Diamonds (Imho?).

Maybe if 99% of ABCs were bought with Diamonds, you'd make admins win less, since it costs less Diamonds.
... But I don't think it's the case.

The potential gain might be higher, since you convert ABCs of gold with diamond purchased ABC.

... I suppose admins should do stadistics/economy stuff, to think whether to do it, or not.
I don't see any valid reasons for making this change really.

You are encouraging buying it with Diamonds (Which benefits Admins!), by decreasing the price in Diamonds (Which benefits Donators!).

Don't think its the players' responsibility to increase donations for admins, as such i don't think its a genuine reason from OP at all still nobody can tell for sure. Although what this idea definitely means is that it want to give advantage to donors. Since players with abc definitely have an edge over those who don't.

Without making a negative impact on those who buy with Golds, since the price in Gold remains the same.
So Gj.

Thats way oversimplifying things. Its not about the cost in gold, but the value of abc which the OP suggests to be reduced to a lower value although only accessible to people who have got diamonds i.e. in essence cheaper abc for donors vs non-donors.
Although what this idea definitely means is that it want to give advantage to donors. Since players with abc definitely have an edge over those who don't.

*Although this idea will definitely give advantage to donors, even if a little.

Apologies for the emssy writing.
Maybe the people who are buying it from gold right now will spend diamonds if it's made cheaper with diamonds. It's more logical
for kulala:

That itself isn't a reason they should make it cheaper. In a business model you dont change things on what ifs and maybes. The only real argument to making them cheaper/ or give an additional bonus based on the information we have is that the ABC doesnt give an added bonus like everything else you buy with diamonds does. As it is an outlier any change to remedy this would be appropriate.
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