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AuthorFilter Battles, in Combat Log
Probably might have been asked years ago, would surprise me if not.
The suggestion/idea is pretty obvious, and probably dont even need to explain it. But Nvm.

So... Some "Background".
Right now at this moment, for instance, I wanna go and check the battles I played in last Minor Tournament, in which I got a Medal (To remind myself maybe I dont suck as much xD Coz I fail blatantly lately...).

... So what do I have to do to get to the battles of last MT right now?
Go to Official Announcement Forum, check WHEN last MT was...
Then go to my Combat Log, pass dozens of pages till I get to the date of those battles more or less, and see them.
Will take me several minutes to do so, I think.

And hey, Im talking about Minor Tournament battles...
If you want to check a very specific CG battle or Hunt (Because you mate a friendly guy, you performed well, or for any reason really).
... Just forget! xD Because NO WAY you can find it at all.
(Maybe if you remember what the factions were, you can go to "Lgnd.Ru" and Filter there, but still... And with the Hunt no way Btw)

Why not have us be able to Filter battles?
Im pretty much sure it wouldnt involve a lot of "Proggramming" (I know nothing about Computers, but I dont think it has like A LOT of effort really, Idk).

> Filter by Type (Hunt, CG, WG...)
If you click WG, for instance, ONLY WG Battles will show, nothing more.
Then you can easily find a specific WG.
(Maybe you have one WG you did previously, and you wanna recall what you did in that situation, for instance?).

> Interesting, show Event battles only.
I suppose this'd be the hardest thing to program? No idea.
This option would filter battles, and ONLY show you Event related ones (Portals of Time, Pirates...)
I dont know whether we'd take Tournaments as "Events", for this matter.

> Show Tournament battles only.
One I'd honestly love to have. To see Mixed/Minor Tourney easily.
Or even Insight Tournaments.
I suppose Survival battles could also be included.

- Filter by Factions, and maybe Builds too (For CG only, I suppose)
Exactly the same as "Lgnd.Ru". Nothing more to explain.
(For those who dont know, example: http://lgnd.ru/gt/battle/lvl/15/r/102/b/1/dim/2)

- Show only Lost Battles? xD
You might wanna check to learn from your mistakes, Idk.

- Filter by Level.

> Show marked/flagged battles!
So you'd be able to Flag/Mark a specific battle in your Combat Log, as "Important/Worth Re-Watching"!
There are really really memorable fights you probably remember, but you cant get to, unless you copy/Paste them in your Profile (Like some of us do, I guess).
You'd Flag them, just like you Flag important Messages, and Filter Marked messages in Mail... ;)
They'd appear in Combat Log with red points/dots as well, or Exclamation marks (!).

PS: Am I the only one who sometimes has fun Rewatching battles, instead of playing them...? xD
I really like watching other people's matches so I can learn new styles to play and learn different factions. This would really awesome
closed by Meshy (2018-08-06 11:38:22)
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