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AuthorPersonal Records for Mercenaries
Its helps to plan for next level battles.
That will be really good.
with links to previous same type quest, this would be indeed very convenient.
Yes, Its almost impossible track the previous level same type mercenaries quest to make plan for next level.

Moreover, Mixed army and vanguard quest introduced in game. So, No idea what creatures in previous level.
It will help a lot
Hopefully, Personal record of Mercenary quests is most needed one. Try to consider soon as possible.
A suggestion without 'Drowbacks/Disadvantages/Side Effects', I guess.
Only adds positive functions.

with links to previous same type quest, this would be indeed very convenient.

Yes, because in the Top Mercenaries page we often see levels greater than we get and in order to get the achievement players use Full Ap and hence, we're not able to get the true picture.
Description mentioned as "Knights and demons". But, Check the battle!! Troops inside are Holy Knights and Dark demon". I agree they fall same faction. But, Type of troops is the key to wear suitable arts and make plan. So, Personal record for mercenary quest is most needed one!!

2018-09-21 05:10: TheKnightsss[17] vs Army of knights and demons {15}

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