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AuthorWhy go attack wizard? Where is the spell power?
I was wondering a long time now, why are necromancers and wizards going full attack... Well i get the necromancers, their magic doesnt do damage, but where are mage wizards? Are everyone going ad beacuse of genies?
Might based arts tend to give more stats than mage based arts and so invariably give an advantage. Further more the admins have for a long time wanted to have more offensive style battles, simple magic based factions involve either staying back and defending with troops, or else running away with gargs. Neither result in interesting play in PvP (hence why admins have deliberately tended to mean that might is better supported than magic).

Net result is it tends to be rare to see wizards actually using direct magic damage as main offence. The exception to this is when enchants are allowed whereby the hero can reliably do ridiculous amounts of damage. In these situations you find a high ratio of chaos casters.
Rushers rush too hard, hero is too slow (I still don't understand how it is mathematically possible for charmer to move twice before 11 ini hero with morale) and there are a lot of nasty tools against wizards like mana drain, disrupt, web, ignore defense or charmer having its own lightning.

More meaty factions are fairly bad against wiz but the gameplay is terrible and there is too much meat. Run and kill 3 ogre shamans at a time... How exciting!

I never understood the appeal of going chaos and lighting up guardians when you can go might and simply bully it with gargoyles.
(hence why admins have deliberately tended to mean that might is better supported than magic).
Yes, they said it themselves, not really "Hiding" at all their "Intentions" of not supporting magic builds existing.

+ Reason why for instance, you can see there arent really any Seasonal Magic items at all.
Not talking about RoC, I mean true 100% Seasonal Magic items (Like a ring that gives 3 SP per 3 CL for instance, or who knows, just giving "Ideas").

I never understood the appeal of going chaos and lighting up guardians when you can go might and simply bully it with gargoyles.
As someone who truly loved Firewall UN (Build that is now even worse than before, after the UN Racial Skill "Rework")...

I can tell you sometimes you play a specific Build because you find it "Fun", even when you know its "Below the Average" of Builds for that Character... :P
Sacrifice/Martyr, pretty much, heehheh.

> I dont know, I always thought they "Should" (Yes, Im nobody to tell what Admins "Should" do, yet...) pretty much open a window for "Variety" of Builds...

Example: Say they Buff Magic Builds overall, adding more Talents for Magicks (Like buff the Ice/Water Chaos Brand, make it "Thing/Playable")
... Then the "Meta" would "Balance" itself:

Magic would wreck Defence Builds (Magic pretty much Ignores Armor, fact that I love Btw), then people would shift into playing Attack builds to wreck Magic, then Defence build would rise again to deny Attack Builds...
Pretty much how the "Meta" of any game really cycles and shifts, and evolves.

Just allow variety, dont deny magic from existing, please... :P
Let the Meta Cycle, its stagnated this way.

PS: Maybe Im going "Off Topic" though...
I dont really know what the question of the OP is, or maybe Im just saying random stuff in my mind... Whatever XD

PS2: Might/Holy Classic Wizard can be OP at times though, Btw.
(Like a ring that gives 3 SP per 3 CL for instance, or who knows, just giving "Ideas").
Typo, meant "A ring that gives 1 SP per 3 CL".
Sorry for "Spam", but since an "Edit" button in Forum doesnt exist:

admins have for a long time wanted to have more offensive style battles,
Neither result in interesting play in PvP
Just wanna point out, that many of the Magic Builds arent just "Defend and AFK in a corner while you throw Magics", IMHO.

As it is now, I have seen many CG battles, that arent at all about "Skill", but about "Who moves first".

... So Im impressed Admins can basically say "We dont Support Magic because Magic = No Skill"
But again, I dont wanna critisize, but dont say "Magic = No Skill", when many battles are about "Dwarf Hydra Rune GG".
Magic arts give less stats for sure, but bw gets extra from racial, de gets extra from racial and classic gets extra from mini arts, so actually that works quite well. If i had one change to make it would be extra lord ini on one item maybe staff. That would make mage build just a little more successful and reduce the amount of 'boring' defence buolds
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