Author | some new special days |
my principle of special day effect is following:
1. interesting. there must be something new for this day to encourage people to play.
2. reasonable. no unreasonable or rediculous thing such as "guardians get +10 initiative and shrews get -10 initiative".
3. not TOO MUCH damage to balance. it is impossible to have no effect to balance when introducing some new interesting items, but we should let it be as minimum as possible.
here is some of my works:
Day of wisdom:
in pvp battles, every hero learn all magic at expert level, regardless of faction restrain, talent restrain and building restrain. (similar as we do at portal of time)
interesting rating: 10/10. battles will be amazing.
reasonable rating: 8/10.
balance rating: 5/10. some factions would become too strong, some talents become useless.
Day of soul slavery:
in pvp battles, when you completely destroy an enemy stack, they turn into a stack of ghost controlled by you. the number of ghost equels min(your combat level, number of former killed units).
interesting rating: 8/10. those ghosts can have variety of uses.
reasonable rating: 7/10.
balance rating: 8/10. not so favorite to shooter builds since it is harder to protect them, favotite to casters since ghosts are good blockers.
day of silent accurate:
in all battles, when damage is dealt, it is always accurately the average number. i.e. 10-20 always run out to be 15, when blessed by clerics it become 10-18, then it run out to be 19.
interesting rating: 3/10. good day for whinners who always crying "why I always deals min damage".
reasonable rating: 4/10.
balance rating: 9/10. almost nothing changed in balance.
Day of immortal:
in pvp battles, all creatures gain the ability "rebirth".
interesting rating: 4/10. battles will become longer, but there are something new when everyone has two lives.
reasonable rating: 6/10.
balance rating: 7/10. not so favorite for casters and shooters. |
Really like Day of soul slavery.
I have a suggestion too.
Day of the undead:
In PvP battles all perished troops get reborn as death knights based on HP of perished stack (rounded down to prevent 1 skeleton producing a death knight).
Interesting rating: 9/10. Follows a theme (undead), which makes it pretty cool.
Balance rating: 8/10. Favours casters because of weakness spell on retal and high hp and tankiness, but also harms casters because of chance to deal double damage.
I'm not too sure about the difference between reasonable rating and balance rating based on your definition, so I'm not too sure what to give for reasonable rating. |
Balance rating: 8/10. Favours casters because of weakness spell on retal and high hp and tankiness, but also harms casters because of chance to deal double damage.
what if the perished troops respawned as gated death knights instead of converting as actual army? You wouldn't need to kill gated units to defeat wizard. |
How would day of the immortal work for UN? Basically just a free raise (No hp or mana loss)? Doesn't sound too unbalanced though. |
for virtual_vitrea:
I think that might be too biased against chaos casters. Basically, death knights for might players would be very useful, but not for casters because they need meat shields. They will be forced to attack with those death knights which would be able to cast weakness but their damage would be too low. But yeah gate is a cool idea too, that would probably make battles shorter.
In that topic, perhaps a day of gating might be cool too.
But still I would find it the most interesting to somehow involve non-playable creatures. PoT creatures for example. I suggested death knights because of that. |
On a side note, is there any official place to suggest these ideas? I have a feeling that admins wouldn't look at these topics, I hope they do though. |
What are death knights tho? Dont you meam black knights? Or unholy knights? |
Day of decay: Every turn where a stack does not attack (wait, defend or move without attack) it suffers decay damage (intially I thought decay every turn but that way meaty factions would just press defend until elves die from decay).
1. interesting: promotes fast battles (you don't want to sit on the defensive)
3. balance: low HP factions would be more affected but this is balanced by the fact that you are fine so long as you attack. So playing offensively you could in theory never suffer from decay.
I don't understand difference beetween reasonable and balance. |
for Slust:
Unreasonable in your example would be "suffer 10,000 decay damage every time they don't attack."
Unbalanced would be "only affects troops with less than 3 morale." |
Intresting ideas , you can practice ghost thing at HMOM.
If i had to vote i pick , Day of soul slavery . |
Day of wisdom is more fun IMO.
I think long time ago when meteor rain and chain lightning were introduced, we had free spellcasting enabled for all factions ;)
I was a barb and boy was i thrilled to cast meteor rain. haha good old days when i had only one castle ;) |
Day of Mother Nature:
Each player starts the battle with a random stack of elementals (size 2*CL).
Day of the Tamers:
Unlocks 4 summon spells for every player (similar to tamer summons) which summons different animals (fixed or even randomly chosen every time this day triggers). Only up to one summon at a time, tamers get to summon 50% bigger stack instead (since it replace their usual summon).
Day of holy curse:
Every time a hero gets his turn, it automatically casts two spells on randomly chosen commanded troops: a holy spell and a dark spell.
Day of bravery:
Every hero can use fervor ability.
I like the idea behind day of wisdom but balance would be off, dark demon would be completely overpowered with holy, bless would make it crazy with its large damage range, leapers would lose their only real weakness (retal because of bless/chastise) I can easily immagine other weird stuff like destruction dark barb (spirit, dark spells from troops and the ogre mega stack) to be nightmarish. But I guess it would be fun at least before someone finds the imbatable meta and everyone plays the same build. |