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AuthorHow to get 85% more damage to neutral creatures?
I'm looking at my lvl best hunters, and I noticed that they have 85% more damage to creatures... How to get that when beastbane gives only 60% bonus at full build
+ https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=forest_bow&uid=312462479&crc=i223f0993e
+ https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=neut_amulet&uid=268445237&crc=if0efebbb4
+ https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=forest_dagger&uid=352140784&crc=i6eb8fcfe1
And rest from here

As a DE i would take a bow over the cape (when fighting someone melle), dagger is very good but idk about this charm... Maybe 3A 1L 3% is better than that, yet that charm gives 15% more damage... When going for the record what necklase would you suggest?
Think that all these "+10%" and "+15%" of Forest Items, stack with the Melee Talents you may have as DE, the Enchanted BB Weapons you may have aswell, etc.
So it all scalates together, becoming strong, so maybe Forest stuff better.

Im very bad at "%" though, to give you a solid answer.
idk about this charm... Maybe 3A 1L 3% is better than that, yet that charm gives 15% more damage... When going for the record what necklase would you suggest?

Each extra luck is worth 10% damage. However, going from say 60% to 70% means you go from 160% to 175% so you increase damage output by 15/160 = 9,375%

So luck BB necklace is always better by a little (gives 1 extra attack) and the more forester arts you have and the worst it gets for the amulet.
Each extra luck is worth 10% damage. However, going from say 60% to 70% means you go from 160% to 175% so you increase damage output by 15/160 = 9,375%

Just to clarify luck works the same way. If you have 3 luck then 4th luck will add 10/130 = 7.7% to avg. dmg.
60% to 70%

60 to 75%*
just one more thing, not in any way connected to this post
I saw many DE taking talent basic moral-rally and when you take that talent you get more troops. i'm usualy taking more minotaurs and i noticed that many ppl take more lizards.
6 lizards or 10 minotaurs, I would still take 10 minotaurs beacuse they deal more damage (i think) but can you explain me why do they take lizards?
[Post deleted by moderator Corey // Off topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Corey // Off topic]
6 lizards or 10 minotaurs, I would still take 10 minotaurs beacuse they deal more damage (i think) but can you explain me why do they take lizards?

Ignoring defence is really good ability. At higher levels when you can upgrade liz, it becomes even better to get more liz. :)
Yeah when you get upgraded lizards, but this casual ones are nothing compared to minotaurs, right?
Take minotaurs, at the end of the day if you like minotaurs better then you should go with that!
don't forget to take speed and ini into account.

Minotaurs need morale bursts to get useful, if you don't get one, they will just stand there. Lizard will get their turn faster and may hit and run avoiding fast enemies.
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