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Blazing Hounds: Viable in any DD Build?

AuthorBlazing Hounds: Viable in any DD Build?
- Backround:
So, there are moments in which I pointed out specific Builds being 100% useless in the armies of some Factions/Classes, when you reach a specific CL, and onwards.

Turns out sometimes I was wrong xD Others not, I guess.
Like, Infected Zombies getting played by the Classic Necros sometimes, and even being succesfull, actually.
(Effective VS Shadow Barbs, or in Full Darkness/Decay Builds, I think).

I also complained about Sentries of Dwarves, but maybe Chaos Dwarf (If its even Viable?) would pick them, to AFK in corner while throwing Magicks, I guess.


- The question: Are Blazing Hounds, of DDs, viable in any Build?
You normally wanna pick Fiends over them, Slow, but Tankier, and more "Burst" damage, I think.

... But I have the feeling maybe you'd wanna use them for TG Ambushes?
Or not? Fiends still better there? Maybe their "Dragon Breath" good, who knows.
Anyone ever used Blazing Hounds?

Thx in advance.
Btw not Complaining, just Asking. :P
specific Builds being 100% useless
Correction: Specific Units*, not Builds.
Turns out sometimes I was wrong xD Others not, I guess.

So when were you right? :P

- The question: Are Blazing Hounds, of DDs, viable in any Build?

Yes, the blazing hounds can often be used in hunts for example, or more popularly, in TG because of their dragon breath.

Can use something like this http://prntscr.com/kmfewq , given numbers in hunts / TG tempts don't do too much.
Only interesting if going for an offensive build, but DD is not really suited for that kind of build as it has no shooters. So you would need to hope that the hotdogs are positionned correctly to get rid of a good deal of shooters, otherwise you're in for some trouble.

So my answer would be the same than yours about sentries: it depends if the build is viable and I've never seen any DD playing like that.
also i used blazing hounds in interception attacks for survs, i am aware that clans who havent been involved in a war of any kind will not know what these are but basically its an easy defence where you need a quick finish or other clans might beat you to it.
So when were you right? :P

Gremlins engineers, grotesque, skel legionaires are fairly useless.

Gremlies are plain bad. If you want to use their activated ability (as destruction) they can heal up to ~400 ish HP which amounts to ~13 golems. Assuming the ennemy is not smart enough to kill the gremlins before the golems.

If you want to use them as shooters they have half the recruit count of BW's gremlies and don't have battlefury to increase dmg output by 60%, meaning BW roughly deals an extra 320% damage with his gremlies.

Grotesques are fairly bad too, too low recruit count (~60), they just die from retal if you play as might. If you play as destruction, they are bad too because they don't have earth aura. So you could try to use the aura of lightning with chain lightning. However, the aura is such that they will be 2nd in the chain, so you deal first stack 150%, lose 50% of the damage dealt to grotesque (and then it proceeds as usual), while without the aura you would deal 100% then 50% so damage output is the same except you don't hurt yourself in the process.

Skel legionaires are bad too. Same story, low recruit count (~100ish), even buffing with battlefury and soldier's luck they are very weak and die from retal and can barely stun (too low HP, T7 stack has more HP than a legionaire stack). So of course they are used as filler for shield allied and retal, but that's all there is to it.
I have seen people use gremlin engineers in ST, to health their golems, so not useless. But I agree they are a bad troop in general

Grotesques are fairly bad too, too low recruit count (~60), they just die from retal if you play as might
Using a troop for retal doesn't mean it's useless tbh, especially since BW doesn't exactly have many troops suited for retal.

And Skele legionaires are used for their shield allies, I see many UN putting them nearly their liches at start to increase survivability.
And Skele legionaires are used for their shield allies, I see many UN putting them nearly their liches at start to increase survivability.

So of course they are used as filler for shield allied and retal, but that's all there is to it.

Using a troop for retal doesn't mean it's useless tbh, especially since BW doesn't exactly have many troops suited for retal.

They [i]can[/i] be used as retal but just about anything can do the job, 90% of BW just go with gremlies only which add flexibility on wether you want to split more stacks or wether you want more retal takers (grems have less speed but the extra ini allow them to move before the dreaded dreads or birdies or genies or uni or just about anything that is painful and has to be blocked 1st turn).

Now compare to fury barb which has fairly well balanced stacks, in PvP every stack are used and shine in their own way, what you end up taking is a choice rather than a limitation of the game that locks you from doing anything valuable out of a stack.

I mean, can you give me an explanation of why some stacks need to have recruit count so low that they can not be used to effectively kill things (or even fulfil their niche role? Since balance is done on army as a whole, if I were to be able to have more skels, I would have less of something else. Then I would have a choice to make, but here, there is no choice, skels are just here for shield allies. It's not even as if it would be a natural pick for unholy because what is best used is high tier troops to get the most out of raise.

I have seen people use gremlin engineers in ST, to health their golems, so not useless. But I agree they are a bad troop in general

The good* ST wizards I'm aware of just use garg to run around while blasting things. The rest of the army is designed around killing things to go through with the early waves spending as little mana as possible. Mana is a much bigger bottleneck than survivability. Maybe other good wizards play differently but that doesn't sound like the optimal choice, golems are too slow to run like you need to in ST.

*Good like that guy:
Or that one:
Good debate, I love this kind of stuff. Ty.

I ll be trying Blazing Hounds a little bit in TG, see how it goes.

Good point overall Btw Slust.
This is the guy I was thinking of, didn't realise how far I am from cl15 till now


Watched one of his combats, doesn't use grems (In that instance) for healing, just running, which is peculiar.. But can't say he's not good. :D
blazing hounds are good in some hunting type battles, and only useful in them.
As for gremlin engineers i can safely say they are useless, i never bought them but managed to do well enough at lower level St when i used to play
I used blazing hounds throughout the 3rd campaign and got 100% on hero difficulty. The number of temptresses felt too small to be useful (enemies tend to be quite big in camps), while the dogs were good for attracting and blocking enemies. Then again I was using pirate captain set so maybe the campaign went well mostly because of that and not because of the dogs :P
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