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AuthorAmnesty for Blocked Players
the lords user base is already half, down from 10,000 players daily. amnesty brings old players and serves as gateway for new players

more money for the owners of the site, which is already struggling in comparison with games like clash of clans etc

they could be placed on a watchlist though, so that they dont repeat the things that got them blocked in the first place
-1 from me, I feel like the game would have to be in a really bad shape if it was considering saying "Oh, those guy we blocked for cheating? Yeah let's invite them again!"

If those people really wanted to come back, they would likely just make a new account and play from there. If admins really wanted to get more players, they would probably just advertise.

more money for the owners of the site, which is already struggling in comparison with games like clash of clans etc

Don't really thinks the admins are "struggling" financially (still spending their $$$ from builders day I imagine :D ).
If those people really wanted to come back, they would likely just make a new account and play from there.
Tbh, if they really were to Block this account Im talking with now (Ipsen), I swear God Im not opening LWM ever more in life, even if I like the game.
Im "Too emotionally attached" to this account, that I wouldnt come back.

And probably some Blocked people felt this way.
(Btw Im not defending them, they got Blocked for a Legitimate Reason probably.)

Still, I agree with the other 99% of your Post.

To OP (Original Poster):
Admins win WAY WAY more Money from the game, than we think, Imho xD

And yes, they would Advertise as you say, if they were to be in need of more Players.
(Imho, a game never has "A LOT" of players, always good to have more, but w/e).

No need to "Rescue Criminals"... xD
"-1" I think :S
big big -1 from me -
Seems a bad idea:

Those who were blocked because of breaking the rules (badly) - "block" is not the firts level penalty - will not return and play fair with unblocked characters.

Question is also about that cheating gave them opportunity to get premium arts
(i mean illegal gold transfers), they should not use it after amnesty....

Beside I guess those ones that wanted to play and obey the rules after block have already started over with another char.

So by amnesty You may just encourage (other) people to brake the rules (since they can expect another amnesty if there were any)
all of the players who got blocked with "never to be unblocked" side note have committed unforgivable offenses to game and/or community.

Other blocked ones have a chance to get unblocked if they apply and submit their case - why they should be unblocked -. MY GUESS : Applications are evaluated case by case. result is either unblock or that final "never again" note.

giving a blanket pardon is simply disrespectful to everyone involved in their block.
ll of the players who got blocked with "never to be unblocked" side note have committed unforgivable offenses to game and/or community.

Other blocked ones have a chance to get unblocked if they apply and submit their case - why they should be unblocked -. MY GUESS : Applications are evaluated case by case. result is either unblock or that final "never again" note.

You mentioned abt submitting applications to get unblocked in the game, can you explain as to how this happens..
The concept of life imprisonment in LAW is also read with the concept of parole and pardon. In the game years, it can mean 2-3 years and then to check whether they have reformed and then allwed to play the game.

There is always scope for reform, after all they cheated not killed people. Cheating in this game is comparable to a financial crime in real life.
its less morally reprehensible and hence the punishment should be tampered with mercy.

That's justice in its philosophical sense and hence provision for appeal must be there
if cheaters could be unblocked, I for one would leave the game. This is a game, not a real life situation.

There are rules, and they MUST be enforced. And those that break them, need a punishment.

Such punishment is to be deprived of their account, and if they want to try again, being "clean", this time, they have to start back from scratch.

Because on that account they had unfair advantages of any sort, and that is unfair toward the rest of the player base. So I would feel deeply offended if they were just given the opportunity to take advantage of their cheat.

Since the player does not die when his/her account gets blocked the "pardon" you mention is in the allowance for a new account. Fresh start, and honestly, if they care. If not, then it's their own business.

for guyb:

if cheaters could be unblocked, I for one would leave the game. This is a game, not a real life situation.

There are rules, and they MUST be enforced.

Rules have to be reason based and proportional to the crime comitted. arbitrary rules hve no place as far as principles of justice are involved.
Passionate hatred should not mean excessive punishment for it is always ineffictive
I'm afraid that paragraph makes no sense, here.

You are mixing real life and games.

In a game, rules and their enforcement are what give a meaning to it.

So, if I play chess, should I be forgiven to use my rook as a queen, since it would allow me to win?

Answer is no, because then I'm no longer playing the same game as my opponent.

And a rule is arbitrary only when it is not applied to all in the same way.

In present case, it would be if some people are unpunished known cheaters.

If you do have evidence of this, contact the appropriate teams and they will handle it; but if you don't have it, don't just throw accusation out of nowhere about "unruly" régulations.

Simply put, if one reached at any point by cheating, then one hasn't been playing the same game as the rest of us. So that one deserves to be kicked out; no hatred in this, if they want to come back, it will be with a clean start and they will be very much welcome. But there is no reason to allow people to take advantage of ill-gotten stats and other improvements. THAT would actually makes the rules arbitrary.

still -1, and even -10.

(and say, wouldn't you happen to own an old account that was blocked a while ago and you wish to see back, by chance? ;) )
for guyb:
You are mixing real life and games.

In a game, rules and their enforcement are what give a meaning to it.

So, if I play chess, should I be forgiven to use my rook as a queen, since it would allow me to win?

I am not mixing a game and real life situation, i am mixing 2 situations where justice is sought. retributive justice remains same whether its a game or real life.

if you use a rook in place of queen, you should be punished but not disproportionately.
excessive punishment would be life block for using a rook for a queen.
See eg of Maria Sharapova who was given unfair - UNFAIR punishment in tennis, that is a game as well.

And a rule is arbitrary only when it is not applied to all in the same way.

that is not what arbitrary means.
(and say, wouldn't you happen to own an old account that was blocked a while ago and you wish to see back, by chance? ;) )

i have never been blocked , EVER. people can be interested in a thing even if it doesnt pertain to them.
its for a friend named sambhi who was for a first time offender.

A reasonable punishment would be - 5 years of block then a chance to redeem provided you agreee to an agreement, plus you are on probation for next 2 years.
if you repeat the same offense, you are blocked for 10 years for a 2nd time same offense
Nobody likes cheaters, end of story.
Make a new clean one and get a second chance, I personally wouldn't ever took serious a cheating character.
Nobody likes cheaters, end of story.

no one likes criminals, that doesnt mean their interests are not to be represented
We already have an appeals process in place, if people really want to come back, they can appeal to the appeals commission otherwise just start a new account.

The appeals commission is where the "criminals" can give their defence and maybe get unblocked (I suggest your friend takes this route).

It simply creates unnecessary work for the admins to go through all the blocked players and unban them (or change their sentence) even when many won't bother coming back.

I also don't suggest making parrallels between this game and real life, because at the end of the day.. this is just a game and we as players do not base our livelihoods on it (unlike Maria Shapripova who you mentioned earlier)

I am considering this matter closed as we already have a process in place which is similar to one you're suggesting (a method of players getting unblocked). If you disagree with my decision strongly, you may contact Corey and dispute my action.
closed by Meshy (2018-09-04 19:31:08)
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