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AuthorTwo-Handed! - New Seasonal Items, I felt like making up
I asked some in-game friends "Hey btw, random question: Did they ever put Two-Handed Weapons in the game? Like, does a thing like Two Handed Weapon exist at all here?"
Answer was "No, not that I know of".
So here I suggest 2 Season Two handed weapons.

Also Imho, since the "Meta" has become pretty much "Defence Build Heavy" from the last years.
I wanted to give a Push/Benefit to the other big 2 types of Builds (Offensive, and Magic).

>>> IMPORTANT NOTE: Im suggesting them, but you must stay with the "Overall/Whole Idea" of the item, you can Tweak the Stats after if you want.
Im just giving ideas. The Items might be Imba, Idk. Tell me in Comments.

1. Earth Axe!
- Stats: +10 Atk, -3 Defence.
- +1 Atk per 3 CL of the Hero.
- Adds 1% for each 2 CL of the Hero, to the final Damage, as Earth Damage.
- Ignores 1% for each 2 CL of the Hero, of enemy Def!!!
- Two handed!!!!!!! (No shield/dagger/scroll allowed to be equipped with this :P)

> Physicall Appareance of Weapon could be: http://i.imgur.com/oTtvaiM.jpg?1 (Random Pick found on Internet by typing "Earth Axe" xD)

Before you Kill me now by chopping my head, while you scream "Wtf are you crazy? I considered you be somewhat Intelligent, Ipsen..:" xD

> The Earth Axe gives 15 Atk, 7.5% Bonus Damage as Earth, 7.5% Ignore Def, and -3 Def, at my CL (CL 15). Not SO OP, considering it occupies 2 Slots of Hero (Shield too!).
> Gives no Def whatsoever! Actually, it has "-3 Def".
Making you pretty much a "Glass Cannon". I wanted this weapon to be OP in something, but giving huge Weakness in other.

2. Staff/Rod of Thunders!
- Stats: +3 SP, +3 Kn, -5 Defence.
- +1 SP per 2 CL of the Hero, +1 Kn per 5 CL of the Hero.
- Ignores 1% for each 2 CL of the Hero, of enemy Magic Resist.
- Adds +1% per CL of the Hero, to the Base Magic Damage of the Spell!!!
- Two handed!!!!!!! (No shield/dagger/scroll allowed to be equipped with this :P)

> I wanted to add "On your Spellcasts, you get "3xCL" chance to throw a Chain Lighting at Main target, with damage "10xCL".
Like, a CL 15 like me, would have 45% on my Spellcasts, to throw a Chain Lighting, with 150 Damage.
... But it may make the item too complex xD And maybe OP.

- Pretty similar than Earth Axe, no need to explain a lot.
- Though, a point requires explanation:
In a bullet point, I explain how it raises the base Magic Dmg of the Spell by 1% per CL of Hero.
... It means if your Meteor Shower/Lightining/AnySpellReally does "X" Damage, it would actually do "1.15X" if you are CL 15 like me.
6. Do not start topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any specific unit, faction, or artifact.
To "ByPass" this, I'll say Im giving "Alternatives/Other Choices" to Offensive and Magick.
... As of "Variety" xD
Still, I admit it really is a "Buff", so hope it doesnt get closed.
> I want to repeat and emphasize, how the items are strong in Offensive, but leave you almost "Naked", as of Defence.
> Also, wanted to add "Two handed" Category in the game.

>>>> Sorry if the thread is poorly written, and bad punctuation marks, etc.

PS: I hope Two handed dont exist already , or this thread is a fail xD
And I hope it doesnt break "Local Rules" too.
I think 2 handed sword is very good idea ! +1
Ussually 2 handed sword does heavy damage but they are slow so i suggest - ini not def .
*screams while chopping head* "Wtf are you crazy? I considered you be somewhat Intelligent, Ipsen.."

I mean, ignoring the stat values completely since they could be balanced afterwards, the concept for a 2 handed weapon certainly is very interesting.

Tho it might require a bit of work to pull off, making a single weapon / equip take 2 slots, i have no clue how tricky that might be since i don't know how it works. But this is definitely something i'd want to see ingame.

But now to question if the voice would be heard at all... Hmmmmm
Ussually 2 handed sword does heavy damage but they are slow so i suggest - ini not def .
Ah, that is true.
In any Videogame (Or Film, actually), they are seen as Slow + Heavy.

Still, giving -5 Defence, felt like way more of a punishment.
But you may be right: "-10% Ini" might be also a heavy Punishment, to make the Weapon balanced.

Also, all must take into account that you are losing the "Potential" 5 Def of not having Shield!
Btw, to do this, Admins should modify the "Program/Computer/Game" so that it recognizes/detects "1 Weapon = 2 Slots".
Like, they should change the Game program so that it denies you from equipping Shield.

Because, it could be a "Potential Bug". :P
Indeed, 2 handed weapons that "Penetrate armor", like the 2 handed axes and swords used by vikings. Sounds fun!
At the same time, how about a dual wieldable swords? Something like
"If you have this sword equipped in your weapon slot, you can equip a second one in your shield slot"
So, from Aurelija's Suggestion in the upper Post... ^

3. Dual Daggers of Wind
- Only another Wind dagger can be equipped in Left Hand, if you equip a Wind dagger in Right Hand.
- Stats for EACH one: +5 Atk, -3 Def
- +1% Ini, per 2CL of the Hero, for EACH dagger. (At CL 15, and with both, you get +14% Ini ONLY from the Dual Daggers).
- +1% Wind Damage, pero 3 CL of the Hero.

The concept of this, is Season Wind Daggers, specially made for Imbalanced Ini.
+14% Ini only from the Daggers at CL 15, but -6 Def, and no Shield possible.

I was about to get Morale or Speed Stats involved, but might become crazy xD
6. Do not start topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any specific unit, faction, or artifact.

Don't worry, you don't break this rule. :)
liked this 2 handed weapon idea.

for blade types, make it wearable only by 2 factions : barb ( not dark barb) and tribal ;)
Nice idea. +1.

nice one. Also i think -10% initiative is too big a drawback, kind of ruins the purpose of extra damage. Already you lose the shield/dagger slot by equipping this item so we dont need such a huge side effect to counter its strengths.
+1 nice details
I wanted to add "On your Spellcasts, you get "3xCL" chance to throw a Chain Lighting at Main target, with damage "10xCL".
Like, a CL 15 like me, would have 45% on my Spellcasts, to throw a Chain Lighting, with 150 Damage.
... But it may make the item too complex xD And maybe OP

this is the best part of your suggestion.
^ What? Serious? Or Joke? xD
I actually thought the added effect/trigger I wrote, sounded "Troll" kind of... xD
So Ty if Serious comment.

Might be hard to Program in the game, but I want this to be the beggining, of a "New Era" of Items.
With "On-Hit Effects/Triggers", or whatever. But as I said, might become too OP if done in Crazy ways.

Just change the "Meta", to add "Flavor" to the game, Imho.
Add the 2 Hand Weapon, etc, Idk.
And if it becomes Imbalanced, then Revert it, or Nerf it, or add "Counters".

PS: Like, 5-7 Years ago, no one would imagine some stuff would be in the game by now...
... So who knows what is to come!
Nono, its actually really good. Reminds me of an item called mjolnir from dota2 which is a game worlds apart from this one in so many ways.. never imagined to have something like that in this game.
Hello Ipsen, these suggestions are quite creative. I will bring this to Beliar's attention. +1 from me.

You have good ideas, are able to describe them well, there is no need to be self deprecating in the post. Writing

I asked some in-game friends "Hey btw, random question: Did they ever put Two-Handed Weapons in the game? Like, does a thing like Two Handed Weapon exist at all here?"
Answer was "No, not that I know of".
So here I suggest 2 Season Two handed weapons.

Before you Kill me now by chopping my head, while you scream "Wtf are you crazy? I considered you be somewhat Intelligent, Ipsen..:" xD

is not needed. I do not particularly have a problem with these, it is your writing style, but it makes your post harder to read. I will summarise the post for Beliar and admins, just in case.
+1 sounds like a nice feature and I don't think could be that difficult to implement, make the item in question occupy two different slots instead of one.
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