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AuthorMake Portals playable: Lower the Cost, to 25-50g
I feel like spamming, and maybe even calling the attention, Tbh... Tell me if I reach a point where it becomes "Childish"... xD
Anyway, so, Here we go:

I suggested this already like 3-4 years ago, saying the cost should be 300 Golds (Yes, Fail, Ikr XD).
... Truth is: No one would ever pay 300 golds, or the 210 Golds that a piece of Toadtool is worth right now.

> I now suggest that the Cost should very honestly be heavily lowered, to like 50 Golds, or so. Even 25 Golds, I dare say, actually.
Or Try "2 Golds x CL", so that it scalates with level :P

Why? Because its Money you are "Throwing" to save Time, which you arent getting back.
Its not like saving to buy a Mount, which will be there for a whole Week, and its very "Efficient".

Portals, from the way I understand them, should be a way to Teleport through Map, if you happen to be near the location of one Portal, and wanna travel instantly to the other corner of Map, if another Portal is located there.
Pretty much "User/Player Friendly", the Concept.

Right now, a big "%" of players have a Mount, so no one would really pay the 210 Golds that a Toadtool is worth now, to use Portal.
(I mean, you pay a Toadtool actually, but you could sell it for 210 in Market fast, so its basically like paying 210 Golds).

A Cost of 50 Golds, or even 25g would be very very "Decent", IMHO.
Since its something meant to be used "Rarely", when the conditions are met, and you find it a good idea to so (You are near one Portal, and happen to have a MG Mission near another one, for instance, and wanna "Jump" there).

In "Many other games", there are Portals in the city center (Or wherever), that send you magically to the other main places of the story line.

Why cant we have this? It would be pretty "Fun", to involve Portals in our daily gameplay in LWM.

> So, Please, make it playable.
They are on the map, but its like they arent there, honestly.

> Btw, note Im NOT giving this as an "Alternative" to Mounts. Both can "Coexist", actually...
Its just that Im very very impressed, that we have 3-4 Portals in the Map, and no one uses them, because its WAY WAY expensive.
I'd dare say "Stupid", tbh... xD

Edit, last random thoughts:
I'd go the extreme way and give them a cost of 5-10g xD
You might Counter my suggestion with "Lol, you'd make ppl refuse to get Mounts easily. Which also means less income from Admins. So no."
Then I'd tell you "You'd still have to move to the location of the Portal, which would take you 2-3 minutes if you are adjacent, so its not like people would fall in love with portals anyway".

PS: This Suggestion... Or make Toadstools drop in Hunts aswell, with the Drop Rate of Hunter Items, so everyone gets A LOT of them.
Price in Market would Drop dramatically, and anyone would grab them easily, and use.

I just want Portals something to be involved in the game often, as I said. Its like they didnt exist at all.

>>> Ask yourself: When was the last time you used the Portal? :P
3 Months? A Year? Before the Merge happened, in 2011? XD

Also sorry for disorders, punctuation marks, presentation, etc... xD
Threw the ideas in fast, as I thought of them.
portals are useful for instant travelling, also when you have no mounts.

They are not not used.
You mean there are people who ACTUALLY pay the Toadstool to teleport? And somewhat often?
remember that toadstools also come from MG quest. I sometimes use the portal when i don't want to go for a horse, and it's sort of free since i always have some toadstools leftover.

Eventually, it would be nice if we could select other elemets for the travel as well (and it would improve sales of the least used ones :) )
for Ipsen:
cant speak for others. Its such a trivial thing. I certainly use portals every now and then despite having mounts.
I think I have used portals once or twice during my life at lwm :D Feels too expensive when you compare to the small salary you can get once per hour, and travel takes something like 2 mins (normally I have mount and if I don't, I don't move around much either). So yeah I agree with Ipsen +1
>>> Ask yourself: When was the last time you used the Portal? :P
3 Months? A Year? Before the Merge happened, in 2011? XD

+1. You got a good point there, i only used it once in the time after the merge
Never used a portal. Feels too expensive when you compare to the small salary you can get once per hour. We are slaves working in mines all day for a starvation salary :(
Indeed, seems to expensive. If you can afford resources on toadstools to travel using portals on regular basis, you sure have 4k weekly to spend on mount with complex travel feature.
Not to mention you still need to plan your route as portal won't get you to your desired destination in one go.
Frankly, I'd still rather pay 4k/week rather then using portals (even if they were free) as I am too lazy to manually route my hero.
Never used portal.. would rather wait few mins than spending toadstool.
So yes maybe if its cost is reduced, it can be used more.

who thinks about using toadstools...!

Surprised :O
Don't usually have toadstools.. instead of going market to buy, I better wait few seconds since I always have ABC.
or u can buy several and never buy again.

But i get it. I dont buy it too.. just use what i have from mg.
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