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AuthorDisplay Repairing time at the new sending method
Hello, hello!

The new sending method for repairing is very good, but if you have 2 or more items in such way, you have to figure out the repairing time.
As you know each items have different repairing time, from Y min to X hour.
During the old method, in the Blacksmith office you can check each repairing time of the broken items. In this way you are able to plan your work, if you have only 1 hour you can choose the shortest time and if you want to go to sleep you can choose the longest time.
So it would be very useful to see the repairing time at the new method!
Thank you!

+1 very good idea
Something to notify us also that there's a new art in inventory would be nice.
+1 Azagoth
+1 Calamity
Pfft, why should you smiths get everything??

Customers should also be able to see how long your queue is!

Nice idea though Azag :)
Nice idea though Azag :)

This means +1, just in case there is any confusion

and +1 to Cal, she's probably only saying that so I don't PM her every time I send something :D
I even suggest more useful ideas for smooth game experience. But, Developers take long time to consider or no consideration at all.

Its one of my useful idea along with my auto return repair items

Just in mean time:

its how smithy timer and points calculation works(if knew, ignore)

For each 4000 repair cost 1 Smith guild points and 1 hour repiar time.


Hunter set items repair cost 400 gold and repair time 6 minutes.
Something to notify us also that there's a new art in inventory would be nice.

Yeah more recently now no one uses my smith much if someone sends something it can be hours before I notice I don't battle too much nowadays :P
Something to notify us also that there's a new art in inventory would be nice.

Can you develop this further? What kind of notification? This idea seems to have general support. I will pass it on.
An automated private mail might be nice
Since we where used to look up there to see the money balance I would like something up there, could be a "v" or a color dot or something. Or at home page.
The color dot could also been seen from costumers like traffic lights, to indicate that smith is free busy or with que like they could see it before from log.
If nothing else can be done
An automated private mail might be nice
would be nice.
Or just a hammer symbol next to character when someone sends item for repair?
A hammer up where money/resources are with number of incoming arts next to it from zero to whatever would be perfect.
I know its maybe small thing but maybe actually it should be anvil picture, as hammer is already in use for clan construction
Hammer is already the symbol of the Dwarves.
there is a reason admins implemented instant repair ( smith should spend diamonds on top of gold repair price)

if some1 sends in wrong order and smith starts repair, no quick way to start second one other than using diamonds.

sadly have to vote -1 to his idea.

what admins forget to implement is creating an option to send diamonds needed for fast repair ;)
Thanks Meshy and Calamity. This will be passed up. I will also pass along selfist's concern and opposition. Will wait for a day to see if any more development on this.
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