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Cooldown on requesting to join applications

AuthorCooldown on requesting to join applications
The player is given the ability to reject other people challenge in tavern and duels (GB). However it is possible to spam with requests to join challenge repeatedly every few seconds with no consequences, denying other players the ability to join the challenge.

So I suggest a minimum of 1 minute cooldown before being able to apply again to a given player's challenge.

Although 30 seconds is better IMO.
+1, helpful for some people i guess
Not personally run into this problem, but a good idea I think. Maybe 1 minute is too long, maybe 30s?

Or the cooldown just applies to you not being able to join at person again (misclick etc).
maybe 30s?

Or the cooldown just applies to you not being able to join at person again

Never booted anyone in tavern, but been booted myself. Sometimes I have then rejoined as much as anything because I couldn't remember who I had clicked to join (Don;t really bother trying to read Cyrillic).

Reasonable idea, but agree with a cooldown more like 20-30 s. ITs not that hard to boot them again.
Never booted anyone in tavern, but been booted myself. Sometimes I have then rejoined as much as anything because I couldn't remember who I had clicked to join (Don;t really bother trying to read Cyrillic).

We're talking of a different issue I think. I'm talking of a player joining more than 15 times in a row in a handful seconds delay after being kicked (essentially when I refresh) until I got fed up and went to do something else.

Casual kicking (twice, thrice in a row) is not uncommon in tavern and not detrimental I'd say.
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