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Authorselling items with an intention to cheat players

i recently bought an item for full price thinking it was with full durability,

then i ran out of durability after a few fights and i checked,

turns out, i have been cheated by this player named AssassinsCreed

I checked his transfer log and found that he's been doing this to deceive players to buy items where the durability is 5/25 or 10/40

and he sells these items for FULL price

is it legal to even do this with an intention to cheat players?
This is no cheating , this is making money ..

You were a dummy to buy his lot =p
There is a difference between scam and profit...
Think before you hit bay button
Okay thanks
closed by AngelSalvation (2018-10-30 10:18:01)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM