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AuthorDungeon caves
With main 6,1k - many early mistakes, but with alt performing quite good:

Total army strength: 11,288
Victories / Combats: 50 / 50

Silver available: 17,588
Silver gained: 405,861

General rating
30.Койот Старк11,520
40.#823Bounty rune11,159
45.#823E D I N O R O G11,056
Extremely unlucky day today. Kept getting awful enemies and ran out of choices, lost on battle. Taking the troop loss into count losing one battle is like losing 1k poits, really really unlucky :/

But oh well let me enjoy temporary moments of glory :P

Total army strength: 19,252
Victories / Combats: 59 / 60

Silver available: 53,966
Silver gained: 853,511

General rating
1.#104xxTitanxx 19,362
2.#7705randomr1 19,252
3.#8048Stealth 19,132
4.#823Пупсенок 18,285
5.#88Лосось 17,999
6.Jack Daniels 17,769
7.#104Мэйлин 17,546
8.#1209Expert_BOT 17,332
9.#2517Эфекл 16,469
10.#846Эсфегальд 16,310
11.#17Samec 16,045
12.#57Pandorra 16,010
13.#7777fatamorgana55 15,793
14.#2517-fargys 15,477
15.Подкрадулин 15,327
16.#104--dark elf-- 15,250
17.#88assasin089 15,170
18.#276Alex-DE-viruS 15,167
19.#1209The Martyr 15,131
for randomr1:

Do you remember your score/reward for the past couple dungeon events? I remember you placing highly in past times
for techy:
I couldn't finish the last one, but last to last I came 30th with 25,572.

But this time making top 30 will be much harder, maybe 28k at least, 29k might even be required.
So if all goes well I'll barely make it.

Among commies, expert bot is doing quite well, but Jitulek is probably doing best (especially after my loss, I'm surely behind).
Among commies, expert bot is doing quite well, but Jitulek is probably doing best (especially after my loss, I'm surely behind).

Quite a few sheep doing quite well, Deathy might get lucky and score highly too. PT doing strongly :)
for Meshy:
Yeah, I think there are going to be a lot of commies in top 100!

Wait for some reason in the rankings I posted 20th place got skipped out.

20.#1209RecorderPT 15,094

Deathy got a bit unlucky early on >.< But he's playing ten times better than me so his score is quite good too!

I checked PT's last battle, wow he might end up in top 10 actually :O
The 8 clerics he has are absolutely fantastic!
Yikes, ran out of choices again and got a battle where I received 9 angels and enemy has about 9k centaurs. rip.

Well, no top 30 for me, gl everyone else trying for it xD
Why are clerics rated so much higher than exorcists? They're nearly 4 times the cost but I don't see a huge difference in stats
for techy:
bless and rapid
for latviesu lords:

gotcha, thanks. I thought clerics had bless as well
Clerics are the only unit that provide bless.

They also give rapid and stoneskin while exorcist only gives chastice.
Deathy got a bit unlucky early on >.< But he's playing ten times better than me so his score is quite good too!

certainly not today, really hard enemies low silver. im suffering from my bad start with low amounts of shooters.

current score 16k but i lost over 1k in battles today
How many of you got wardens by now?
for Mega Demon:
I did (by 49th battle, should have been 48th if things went as planned). But frankly speaking, I overestimated their strength without clerics. Well, I also got 63 commanders (on day 5 finally lol) so I'll upgrade them soon and get ini boost, but even then I expected 500+ of them to be able to one shot most things but without clerics that ain't happening. I only used them for one battle and ini is a big problem for me, so unless you are lev 20 with 30%+ ini, make sure you have chieftains.

It's a pity I don't have a chance of getting clerics, because even if I get monks, I'll get too many to upgrade any soon.
Same problem with monks for me,need 200k to change them to clerics+ 400k for wardens :(
Hope i get few more magi in remaining attempts :)
I've been using magi since the first several battles for this one. They have saved me with the through shot
wasted this round with too many losses, some bad luck and some just too ambitious :(
question - why are orc chiefs upgrade 3 times orc tyrant upgrade cost? any reason to justify this? stats are not very different.
Knocking shot
Higher ini
Higher damage range
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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