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AuthorJail Reforms
Earlier, the difference between jail and block was that in jail, you were able log into your account and message the members of the official clan:-


But now, when jailed, you have access to:-

1) Leaders’ guild
The demerit here is that eventually you’ll run out of troops and there will be no way to get more troops.

2) Tavern
You cannot create a challenge in tavern but you can join the challenge.

Note:- You can only join “0 bet” challenges.
there will be no way to get more troops.

what happens if level up in LeG, no troops added ?

you’ll run out of troops

resurrect not allowed ?
for Lord selfist

My apologies, I’m not much familiar with Leaders’ guild and I don’t intent to be.

When I said that there’ll be no way to get troops I meant that we get troops by hunting and since we’re jailed so we cannot do that anymore.

what happens if level up in LeG, no troops added ?

I think you’ll recieve all the level up goodies. (90% Sure)

And yes, I almost forgot.

3) Donation
You can donate even if you’re jailed and you’ll recieve the bonus artifacts, if donating in bonus time.
resurrect not allowed ?

If by resurrect you mean replacing the troops from reserves or increasing the number of troops when you don’t have enough leadership points then yes, resurrect is allowed.
3) Donation
You can donate even if you’re jailed and you’ll recieve the bonus artifacts, if donating in bonus time

thats funny...admin be like you can't play but your money is welcome
thats funny...admin be like you can't play but your money is welcome

why shouldn't it be? The fact that people will continue to play and donate while being jailed speaks about the merits of the game. Also jail is not like a block, its temporary.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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