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Author[2018.12.05] Day of Feisty Labourers
For Calamity, I already disputed your explanation as nonsense, because that's not what happened.
Speaking of work shift, what would happen in the following sequence of events:

My previous bonus was 10%
I enroll (assume my normal wage is 210)
The facility when I enroll ends its shift (how much do I get paid here?)
I do two battles
I enroll
Shift ends (again, how much do I get paid here?)
We cannot know how much you will get paid the first time unless you specify whether you won two battles or not. Consequently, that will affect how much you get paid for the second one.
Regardless of why it happens, it shouldn't happen, because it's just confusing.

Then post it on the bug report and let admins check it out.
It sounds like you are confusing the sequence of events. I just enrolled and it let me know that my current bonus is 0. Immediately after I enrolled it showed the bonus as 10%. This 10% is the indicator of your next bonus level presuming you complete the two battles, it has nothing to do with the existing enroll at which your bonus is still 0.
We cannot know how much you will get paid the first time unless you specify whether you won two battles or not.

<sigh> Really, everyone knows you have to WIN the two battles for this to matter. Fine, let me rephrase. "I win two battles".

I admit that I'm still not clear, based on the announcement, that if I win two battles, whether that affects the wage of my current enrollment or my next enrollment. That's why I asked how much I get paid, at two different places, in my previous post. I'm inclined to think the latter. But if that's the case, why the message to "Enroll to start boosting your wage bonus"?

Regardless of whether the two won battles affect the current enrollment of the next enrollment, the question remains: What happens if I win the two battles after the work shift ends, but before my next enrollment? Since I already got paid before doing my battles, does the game then retroactively give me my bonus?
closed by Meshy (2018-12-06 00:00:36)
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