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Author[2018.12.31] Paycheck Day
Astrologers proclaim the Paycheck Day! Only today:

  • +40% labour efficiency and wages earned.
  • Thank you admins.
    Much better than Feisty Labourers
    yeah this is good day.
    So the labor efficiency means we get 1.4 points instead of 1 for LG?
    No, it means you produce 40 procent more arts, which means facilities will get more goods in their stocks and buy more rescources.
    Gotcha, no direct player benefit unless arts are bought up. Thanks Aurelija
    Gotcha, no direct player benefit unless arts are bought up. Thanks Aurelija

    Your wage per hour is increased by 40%
    Your wage per hour is increased by 40%

    Yeah I know that part, I was only talking about the labor efficiency. That being boosted has no direct player benefit, but the other half of the day is very beneficial
    closed by Meshy (2019-01-01 00:09:02)
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