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Authordrop list in inventory
the picture will explain the idea
sorry forgot the link by mistake
How would this system work for mobile? Or for those who have a lot of arts? That picture is just 4 arts, but what if I have over a dozen rings or so? Basically so many rings it's difficult to fit on one screen.

Quick count of my arts show I have 24 rings.
with a slider go up and down
And this will help how?
for Calamity:
not every idea or suggestion should make big change or will help a lot
but whenever you get an Idea that would make UI slightly better
why not .. that's what updates in apps works
so if it's make it a little easier to equip why not
in the end it's just an idea and I know it won't happen but I just like to share some ideas if I've got some

the idea is simple it's just faster to equip and like I said
when you have a load of gears let's say over 100+ items
this would save your time
I have over 150 items, I find helpfull the menu that already exists in inventory


and the tags are helpfull even though I would like stash itmes can be tagged too and have some more tag sections.

I honestly didn't unserstand how this would be helpfull because I don't understand how and it doesn't seem easier than the systen already exists.
for Calamity:
consider at a different category or filter
a filter for a specific part of your armor
weapons has left right back
jewelry has rings necklaces and capes
and so ...
and when you get some gears as reward that you didn't pay attention to
this option will be more focus on to show what you get
besides all of this
I hope they use diablo 3 system
whenever you point at any gear it's automatically compare the stats with and without equipping it but I think it's not possible
Would love to have something like this

That tool is created by DarkSooth.
a filter for a specific part of your armor

+1 Yeah, I would love to have them separate, but I would like to be in the current form too since the form you suggest is hard to see for older eyes or any form we older people can easily see. I would also love not to see the arts I repair in the same place with my own arts. Let them stay at the side since you can't take more than one in at the same time anymore. :)
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