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AuthorBattle Simulator
We can have a mini-game where no benefits or anything gainful to us as per the aspects of all the Maingame.

This mini-game would help us in setting up a battlefield as per our need, for us to learn about the game in better way.
All features of this game would be as follows:

1. A variety maps available
2. Characteristics of a Hero as per different CLs
3. Characteristics of different units against each other of different factions and their levels.
4. Morale and Luck simulation.
5. With or without heroes.
6. Both sides can be controlled by us or Both AI or One us and one AI

This mini-game would solely help us in understanding the triggering of different situations.
Trying to battle different types of team.
Understanding how to play all the main aspects of the game in better way.

And no matter what you do, you cannot be perfect in learning this and then trying to win the battles in mini-game, as the
1. Damage is random.
2.triggering of morale and luck is random
3. First round of +- 10% initiative is random
4. And you can never battle two battles in the same way no matter what
Aren't all of our battles battle simulations?
Aren't all of our battles battle simulations?


No, what I meant was
Apart from the game we make a different battlefield at our convenience, at our thoughts of features, just to learn as to what can we do to try and win specific battles or try to learn how the AI works, how can we break through different situations, like that.

Maybe my title is wrong but you get the gist right?
Ain't this why levels 1-13 are for? Game really starts at cl 14.
Problem is more on how people think than what the game gives, everybody agrees that you can't go fight before you learn to walk in reality but in game majority wants to do just that.
Love this.
What i want is basically an option somewhere to test army1 vs army2 fight, auto. You can try out different army compositions quick against different types of enemies.
I can see myself spending hours on simulator before MTs etc.
What i want is basically an option somewhere to test army1 vs army2 fight, auto.

auto battles aren't really a good indication of what will happen against a player.

It sounds like you want to do combats without having to pay for arts, or gain any xp..
It sounds like you want to do combats without having to pay for arts, or gain any xp..
To avoid that, I said auto. I agree that if you give players control, then it kinda replaces normal play.
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