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AuthorCritical damage of Elves ability
In Events that come, Barb gets spirit and so does tribal. Wiz gets extra mini artifact part attributes for units and battle wiz extra attack. Dark elves alt can summon.
If everyone can use their abilities why cant elves get their critical damage anility in events and everywhere it doesnt work.
I can understand if pvp elf vs elf it doesnt work.
Kindly reply why it doesnt work in events and if this can and will be rectified ?
The problem is that the castle UI, Avengers Guild building, doesn't allow selecting a favored enemy from these unplayable factions (pirate, cult, portal factions, and whatever faction those ice creatures belong to).

I also hate the fact that more than half the time I select a wrong favored enemy (e.g. selecting tier-3 and then facing a huge stack of tier-2 instead).

I think they should do away with having to select a favored enemy altogether. Elf should just have a chance to do critical damage to all non-elf creatures. Of course, to balance it out, the chance should be reduced significantly. Instead of (5+4*FSL)%, maybe it could be (2+FSL)%.
Or they should keep it the way it is. Unless there is any empirical evidence to show that elves perform worse than other factions in events, there is no need.
Elves aren't the only one. Most events are unplayable as Mage DE and hence dark barrier is a wasted ability. But that's okay, because much like elves, dark elves have enough fire power even without their faction ability to stay competetive in events.
For one ring: elves main faction played like shit when it came to ship level 7 and difficulty increased.
Simply because there was no critical damage.

Change to do:
They shud let this damage be as it is without reducing it in all battles(just excluding it against elf lords)
Sounds like that would make elf OP tbh
Well then the % of critical damage can be derived to make elves main faction competitve im events and not let such a beautiful cool faction go to waste in difdicult events.
Lets be honest whoever has played elves loves the faction.
So we can change % to do universal damage and do away with favoured enemy dependency on castle which doesnt allow activation im events.
Have you checked the top scorers to see how they did in event? Some may have used elf.
Practically elves will not be in top 10 as main faction since critical damage doesnt get activated and thats what we are talking about.
I doubt it if theres even 1 who played as elf main faction in top 50.
I could just stop this madness with by finding a guy in top 50 playing as elf, but seems like too much effort.
What I'll say is this, opponent difficulty is dependent on faction, especially in 1v1 events. So if you want to make elf stronger, fine, but expect that enemies will get stronger too accordingly. That will solve no problem of yours, but I suppose it would feel better to have those critical strikes.
Also, why not just use charmer elf? Not every faction has to be great for every event. Factions have to have limitations

Dwarves arent good at pirate events therefore we should increase all their speed by 5 and ini too?
Critical damage is all fine and lovely but by it's very nature is inconsistent. Add in to this the high dependency of elves with luck, and usual full attack and charge set up and the only consequence is that by increasing use of critical damage, you also make then more inconsistent which from a balance perspective is ripe to cause issues. I setup with lower chance, but across all creatures (for PvP only) makes sense
dwarves reply mainly on runes and the ablity of bears to knockback once the dreadbanes/invokers are gone at combat level 12. Bears need free movement space for knockback.
we will create a seperate thread for dwarfes if needed.
lets not deviate away from topic and allow everyone to speak on the critical ability of elves main faction which doesnt work in events.
this is a huge drawback for elves main and elves alt reduces troop count significantly reducing elves overall capability in difficult events.
While I think a minor adjustment to critical damage to make more uniform and consistent would make sense and aid balancing I do not think this should be done in the basis of any unfairness in events. The size of enemies in events is not necessarily uniform, just like the size of enemies in thief hunts vary across factions. As such I see no reason to change the dynamic of a faction for an event when other mechanisms exist. If justifying a change it needs to be based upon Central reasons across large aspects of game play
i agree with lord milesteg
critical ability of elves main faction which doesnt work in events.

Isn't this only limited to a small number of events?
as said by omar earlier "doesn't allow selecting a favored enemy from these unplayable factions (pirate, cult, portal factions, and whatever faction those ice creatures belong to). "
its not a question of 1 event or more, its a question of making factions enjoyable and events are d place where u enjoy d most apart from pvp
So given this is the Q&H section.

I assume your question of why it doesn t work has been answered. And in terms of your will it be changed, we don't know.

closed by Meshy (2019-02-21 18:34:16)
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