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AuthorWatching Players
In each battle it could show how many and which players are currently watching the battle.
-1 I prefer sometimes not to be seen
I prefer sometimes not to be seen
I'd also prefer if no one knew I was spectating :p
But a count of how many were spectating would be nice.
Maybe they could devise a system of showcasing top battles, that everyone would want to spectate.
+1 Would be cool
Would be a cool thing to have, but with a toggle for people who don't want to be seen.
+1 but toggle to be unseen should only be allowed to people with TG10 or higher (lords that are good in hiding)
+1 but toggle to be unseen should only be allowed to people with TG10 or higher (lords that are good in hiding
+1 :D
If they are not allowed to talk fine, else there will be way too many hellos noise and such from outstanders when people are actually there to play a battle.
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