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Author[2019.03.06] Day of the Hunter
Astrologers proclaim the Day of the Hunter! Only today:

  • +50% Hunter's Guild points earned.
  • The group of creatures you come across may be half the expected number.
  • One day too late.
    @The One Ring: Indeed.
    Or... the perfect day, admins keeping people interested ;)
    @Meshy: Don't get me wrong. We don't complain about this great day. It's the timing. If the hunter's day was a few days after the event, nobody would have complain.
    It's the timing.

    I think Meshy's point is that the timing is perfect.
    Hmm, do you think the days are chosen randomly or at times, purposefully?
    @Omar Contreras: The timing is always good for Hunter's day. However, yesterday it would have been better. The close proximity of the events, generates that feeling.

    @The One Ring: I think it is random. If we look back a few months, I failed to see any predictable pattern for the daily's perk.
    It's definitely not random, admins pick and choose what they want and when
    @Meshy: thank you for the clarification.
    Some bits may be random (out of lazyness), but there are a lot of fixed ones.

    Builders day on black Friday for example, 2 adventures day when we get new campaign, builders day a few days before new campaign. Hunters day day after campaign.
    The timing is always good for Hunter's day. However, yesterday it would have been better.

    Let me repeat - the timing is perfect. It would be extremely dumb for admins to have hunter day during the 5-day anniversary. HG is abused enough during anniversary as it is. And usually, right after anniversary, activities would plummet. Having a good day immediately would ease that plummet a bit.
    I feel like chance for 1/2 hunt is much higher today.
    yes amd the helpfull hunter after u bought a mount with 50% discount :)
    today this is a day of skip hunts till I find one for a half, or one I left from a new creature day (unless it is a flyer, I only hunt them on days of falcons (or whatever it is called)
    closed by Meshy (2019-03-07 00:08:58)
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