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AuthorAdd an effect to SG9
Increase repair efficiency from 90% to 100%.
For example: smith with SG9 and repairing an 0/70 artifact will result in a 69/69 one.

Why will someone buy any item then , Will just prefer repairing always since repair price less than artifacts price!
for SwiftGirl:
i was thinking about possibility to renew arts like event arts and insignias are running out of max durability.
Smith guild are the only ones with an actual top level where you cease to gain any benefit so would be nice to make continuous like other guilds. However, I think there are economic issues with increasing efficiency, arts need to run out to maintain turnover. How about gaining lg points for repairs at a certain rate after level up, not a huge amount but something, after all it is work.
Or repairing multiple arts at a time... that would be a godsend
Or quicker repair time.
+1 about anything and everything, Empire could also took less % from repair cost.
arts need to run out to maintain turnover

But they will run out. 0/70 to 69/69, 0/69 to 68/68, etc.

This would make arts last longer which is a good idea IMO.

As the current repair costs stand, this would mean that repairing arts will always be profitable, is that what you want? If efficiency is increased to 100% this would make everyone want to be smiths and otherwise make smithing a very lucrative business until the server has everyone going for those SG points.

Just no. I like #5 or #6 better if it has to be.
As the current repair costs stand, this would mean that repairing arts will always be profitable

Not for shop arts. Depending what max smiths charge it could be that the cpb is the same as an 80/80 smith but gives you more uses.
Are you suggesting that the repair costs will change or not? Because its not simply about what the smiths charge that will make it profitable, rather what they pay to get essentially the same number of battles. The current repair costs are set to be in accordance with the 90% repair efficiency - i assume it almost breaks even if you bought a new art with 100% durability versus repaired it 90% for 100% cost.
It's the same as using an 80/80 Smith but you get more durability. And it stops being profitable after 1 repair. So it wont always be profitable.
And why does Empire gets all the repair cost when she does nothing? :P
I would say:
Increase repair efficiency from 90% to 95% but except SG (for example 10th lvl for 10k pts) in addition you need to reach 6th lvl EG (20k pts)

but It could make an luxury service for a high price
+1 , something should be added
Could be made for extra efficiency. May be 95% or 100% too with 1 durability permanently reduced as everytime repaired.

Also can be made specifically only for NON SHOP ARTIFACTS.
It will be really helpful for those rare artifacts.

Like sets of artifacts as in "about the game page"
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