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AuthorThe Experiment has ended!
Mind of a genius is a mystery. But even the greatest of geniuses sometimes aren’t able to understand minds of average citizens. While the Empire is on the edge of the greatest discovery which is about to change almost the whole world, the only thing they do is discuss some ordinary bauble, which is still created by the same genius, but only at a leisure. Are their own reflections really more important than the potential hidden in this experiment? All these thoughts and questions couldn’t get out of advisor Belir’s head provoking the whole scale of emotions from disappointment and despair to anger at himself and everyone around. And, of course, none of this helped the speed of summing up the conducted researches in any way. After all, besides exact calculations science as well demands cold mind.

Lords and Ladies, another stage of the great experiment is completed – and honorable magicians of the Empire are expressing their gratitude to those who agreed to participate. While the results of the scientific experiment are collected in magic laboratories, you can already receive the award for your combat contribution I the form of a special "Mirror of Changes" artifact. Durability of the artifact depends on the number of scored points; the minimal number of points is 90.

All Lords and Ladies who won at least once can receive a generous participation reward in gold. The award depends on your combat level and number of victories. Receive gold on the page of Experiment.

All Lords and Ladies who had over 105 combats and scored no less than 180 points will be awarded with 11 parts of the Imperial ring. In addition, all Lords and Ladies who scored no less than 110 points will be awarded with Imperial ring parts in calculation 1 part for each 110 points (up to 9 parts).

Best heroes:

¹Lord/LadyBattlesWinsCopy winsPoints
1.#933Àãîôîí [10]1051051001,250
2.#88Ôèðêàã-íåêð [10]105105961,242
3.#104Diospyros [16]105104951,230
4.#1209z_j_cd [17]105104891,218
5.#8502Mr Nobody [10]105104851,210
6.#1209DENLADEN [9]105103891,208
7.#2517Kligan-Dog [13]105104841,208
8.#1597Daeve [11]105102921,204
9.#933Riden [9]105104801,200
10.#1519Íÿøêà-Êîíÿøêà [16]105102901,200
11.#1271Îñèðèñ [13]105102861,192
12.#933Bear Grizly [11]105103801,190
13.Õààðò Ëîðä [9]105102841,188
14.#1209myevan2 [17]105102831,186
15.#2517-The Darkness- [16]105104721,184
16.#104Anexpor [15]105102821,184
17.ydachy2007 [14]105103751,180
18.#928Mk51 [17]105102801,180
19.#728Âèêòîðèé [11]105102801,180
20.#928_Àíòèêâàð_ [13]105101831,176
21.#933Super-Dragon [15]105101831,176
22.#2517Freeeedom [16]105102781,176
23.#17Ìàõàòìà [14]105101821,174
24.#276Êðóøèòåëüíèöà [16]105103721,174
25.#7490Chico [9]105100861,172
26.#928Ìåíòàëèñòèê [16]105101801,170
27.#1519Mihondr [16]105103701,170
28.#276solnce2112 [15]105100831,166
29.Ôûðô [14]105102731,166
30.#7490Nazra [14]105100821,164
31.#1209Nexona [13]105100821,164
32.#1209Waitest [12]105100821,164
33.#1209IzjogaShow [13]105100821,164
34.#7777tolik [18]105101771,164
35.#1209nipnip [18]105100821,164
36.#18Life-Negative [15]105102711,162
37.#2517Ðîì÷èê [16]105100801,160
38.#57Lokomotiv-1936 [11]10599841,158
39.ÏèñàòåëüÃóä [6]10599841,158
40.#1209Angel99 [16]105100781,156
41.#88flame73 [14]105101721,154
42.#2517Âîñêðåññøèé [13]105101721,154
43.black_lotos [18]105101721,154
44.#88Igor17 [11]10599821,154
45.#928Realz- [13]105100761,152
46.#933ÀéðîíÐýáèò [12]105100761,152
47.#104xxTitanxx [21]105104561,152
48.#2517Sfairat_ [15]10599811,152
49.#276×åðíîêíèæíèê [15]105101711,152
50.#1519xvxPAINxvx [19]105102661,152
51.#1488bonadea [17]105100761,152
52.#1519Ýôåêë [15]10599801,150
53.#1271Adsurgit [17]105100751,150
54.#41_lordhero_ [14]105100751,150
55.#928-kord- [15]10599791,148
56.#928Saney [14]105100741,148
57.#997VadKor- [15]10599791,148
58.#1597Ñíèêåðäîñ [14]10599791,148
59.#928a_yakovin [13]10599781,146
60.#1519âàñÿ ì [15]105102631,146
61.#7490latviesu lords [13]10599771,144
62.#1597HardForAll [15]10598821,144
63.#1535ROBEPT [5]10596921,144
64.#7279Erathia [18]105100721,144
65.#88Nevermorer [15]105100721,144
66.#18-Luxeon- [18]10597861,142
67.#276Áàíêîì¸ò [14]105100711,142
68.#928Nexik [14]10599761,142
69.#18Ðýíäè Ìàðø [13]105100711,142
70.#7490Ektoras [17]105100711,142
71.#928Hispanic [12]10599751,140
72.#2302Ýøêåðý [10]10597851,140
73.#3975Andromasius [10]10598801,140
74.#1209ýðà-17 [19]105101651,140
75.#41ËåíàÏ [12]10599741,138
76.#41ÌàðòèíÈäåí [17]10597841,138
77.#2517uTaHH [15]105100691,138
78.#18Zaken Haham [14]10598781,136
79.#1519Galay [14]10599731,136
80.#928LancelotX [15]10598781,136
81.#1597Varrek Mynosh [14]10597821,134
82.#1209IGOR_spb [17]10599721,134
83.#7490Mega Demon [13]105100661,132
84.#928Stepnoy_Stepan [15]10598761,132
85.#933Óðîâåíü [15]10598751,130
86.#276The power [14]10599691,128
87.#928Cid Kampeador [14]10597791,128
88.#783_Ukrainka_ [6]10597791,128
89.#276Åãîð [12]10598741,128
90.#1597Ìàãèÿ ÕÀÎÑÀ [13]105101591,128
91.#928Vinder [16]10599691,128
92.#3975Earth_ [7]10596831,126
93.#2517alexumus96 [12]10596821,124
94.#1512VsMoon [11]10597771,124
95.#1597MastreLelik [17]105101571,124
96.#1209liuker [16]10599661,122
97.#933îáðóò [14]10598711,122
98.#2517PbI6A4OK [17]10597761,122
99.#928Vovan_2102 [18]10598711,122
100.#997Ó÷åíèê×àêà [17]10598711,122
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