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Author[2019.04.22] Day of the Falcon
Astrologers proclaim the Day of the Falcon! Only today:

  • Double the usual Hunters' Guild points are earned for defeating flying creatures.
  • Flying creatures guard +30% gold in hunts.
  • The group of flying creatures you come across may be half the expected number.
  • May actually hunt today, fingers crossed to find the cursed gargoyles I deliberately left for these days.
    useless day zzz come on day of gambling
    useless day zzz come on day of gambling

    Useless day? It's one of the best days.
    If only they increase the chance of encountering flying creatures on this day ...
    Found about half a dozen so far
    I think I've skipped 27 hunts in a row already. :(
    Best day. Only 1 hunt left till level 8.
    for grifinas:
    closed by Meshy (2019-04-23 00:00:06)
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