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AuthorSigning multis

One of the most broke rules are around multis in the game. I simply propose that during account setup you declare that you are a multi and type the mains name. It then holds your account until in your mains settings you declare them as your multi (this should also be possible for already created accounts through settings)

Once an account is a multi signed in this way it should disable transfers and market posting rules should be automatically enforced, even allowing a multi to view but not post on the forum.

Of course players should read the rules but most dont and find out this multi rule when it is too late, at which point they are blocked and fined and may end up leaving the game. And this method could also mean greater punishment as not reading the rules isnt an excuse as you have actively ignored the setting to financially assist your main.

Also there should be an option to swap main/multi where it automatically jails your main.
Makes sense to me
I simply propose that during account setup you declare that you are a multi and type the mains

Wouldn't players just say "no I'm not a multi" and continue breaking the rules?
Wouldn't players just say "no I'm not a multi" and continue breaking the rules?

I think it's aimed at those who want to follow the rules, thereby helping them have a multi legally.
Something needs to be done with this cholera.
for Meshy:
A bit later on

And this method could also mean greater punishment as not reading the rules isnt an excuse

I think thats a good idea. And yes the punishment should be severe as well.
Lots of cheaters cheat because they don't give a shit. They'll Wouldn't players just say "no I'm not a multi" and continue breaking the rules?. That's what I woud have done 5 years ago.

But there's also lots of people who start cheating by first having legitimate multis and are unable to control the temptation to transfer money from a rich multi to a broke main. Such a system would help control their temptations, and they might not spiral into the evil path.
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