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AuthorAn alternative ST
I love survival tournaments, but I seldom play it anymore due to the huge amount of time it consumes. To speed it up and hopefully increase the amount of participants I suggest we try this:

* Give the waves to everybody when a new ST starts. This saves time for everyone.
* Limit the ST to a certain number of waves - perhaps twelve is enough. Make it really hard, but not impossible to survive all waves.
* Start a timer at the beginning of the ST. If more than one player survives all waves, the one with fastest time wins.
* Limit each move to 30 seconds. This takes away one of the great things with regular ST, the fact that you can plan your moves long ahead, but I think it adds an interesting feature. You need to have a clear plan from the beginning, but you must be ready to make the right decisions without too much thought.

With these changes one ST shouldn’t take more than 30-40 minutes, even shorter if you decrease the amount of waves.
With these changes one ST shouldn’t take more than 30-40 minutes, even shorter if you decrease the amount of waves.
As much as this is a desirable change, it also strips away a number of things that make ST so unique.
But considering how less people play ST anymore, it's necessary.
Anything to increase players pool.
Placing high in an St takes a lot of effort, and if you fail its a waste of gold and gives no guild points. Could go the way of card tourney and give gold per wave past, say 100 per wave, and then maybe 0.5 hg per 5 waves. That way everyone can make some cost back, and then the winners could still get a bonus prize
+1 to original idea.

I would like to play this ST format.
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