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Authorshubhamgoyal reaches level 16

congos leader! (now you know who watches your combat log a lot:P)

Why you haven't donated your 350k to the clan? :P
Why you haven't donated your 350k to the clan? :P
but seriously?
Where's my 100k tax
Congrats :)

No cards!
Congrats pal!
Congratulations! :)
Well done Shub!
Congratz Shub!
Finally Shubby nooby :) Gratz!
Well done shub! :)
Grats! Start writing useful stuff/fixing scripts for EFL instead of writing those useless stories :)
Congratulations !!
Thanks everyone.

But I have lost :( My clan mates are leaving, my co-founders are angry I argue too much.

Because of me, Ekkie + vicky + junior suffer. I feel like I have them hostage. For everyone who was mad at me or despises me, I have lost. I have no ego, no ambition. Do not let these good men wither away. Everyone has a breaking point. Ektoras will give up some day and this EFL dream will be over.

If you can congratulate me and care for me, join EFL. If you are in EFL, be more active. Join the Skype chat. My heart will really break wide open if we die. Too much feels with this clan and it's people. Be angry with me, but do not punish us. You have the power to make my day :-P
^I don't think people not affiliated with your clan want to read all this. May be it is true that you feel "lost" but to the eyes of the public, that means almost nothing. Being too long winded and repetitive about feelings, you are only cheapening what those words can actually mean. I can see that you have been assigned the herald position to talk with your clan people, you can use that. Even if your clan members stopped caring about your messages, it would still have more meaning there than in places like this one.

P.S. I came here to congratulate you.

Congratulations on the level up! :)
That is harsh, VV. In my frame of mind then, I just wanted a hug.

'long winded', 'repetitive', 'cheapening', 'stopped caring', 'means almost nothing' stung and made me feel worse.
Congrats Shubham!!
for shubhamgoyal:
you talk too much

talk less fight more? congratz on level up.
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