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Author[Event] Raid

Uhm so 'neutral' armies are affected by their 'absent' lords' faction abilities.

The enemy troops' 30% resistance is really making me work for this battle.
Good for you, as ogre not treated as neutral else they would have got speed and initiative boot for every 10 hero turns.
well won, but then thats why I have farmed, doing more easy battles is almost quicker than having any epic battles like that


Just a few more troops than you had!

there is mine :D all done with mirror today
I now have almost 2000, Shane I cannot use tribal unity spell!
Probably the easiest level 50 event I've ever done :D
It's it easier to do these events on a higher level ??
Is it* easier to do these events on a higher level??
These god damn watchtowers are so annoying!!!! I am losing 10 levels bellow what level I am right now cause they shread me!
Barb hit the 3rd place, still can't beat elf's

for Aurelija:
ikr, double knocking shot X3 or times 4..

Its ridiculous, thankfully AI is an idiot or it would be a crazy idea.
The challenge of this event is directly related to how much you farm. If you do not at all then it is challenging. If you farm completely, it has no challenge. I have farmed completely as the clan competition with likely be decided based upon those getting to level 60, and I am assuming they may be properly challenging, so want to make sure I can go all the way.
i stopped farming 40-50 was too easy :D so i only farmed half and seeing how i do, i will go back if i need to
I farm only for fsp.
Is still challenging, doing with a useless faction like necro, and min arts.
should i take giant archers or nomads?
with likely be decided based upon those getting to level 60
We will be able to see tomorrow if that counts, but

Do you guys think it will or should count? I mean then whats the point of declaring it as 'optional levels'. Might just include it in normal way.
Optional doesn't sound right, if its indeed a deciding factor.
I think the optional related to the fact that it provides no or minimal personal gain, ie no diamonds etc. The only substantive benefit is for the Clan. Thus everyone can compete and gain full personal event rewards and they can set it as an obtainable difficulty level for all. Then up the difficulty for the last 10 to gives means of splitting the clans since only those competing at the top is it likely to be worthwhile bothering to do then
In my dictionary, optional should be word for something which won't get you benefits directly for clan ( since its a clan based event anyways, so clan rewards are most important ), but still can reward you with those extra stats, like gold and TG+HG points in this case. Which won't affect your end reward ( ie clan reward ), hence its optional - whether you want extra TG/HG points or not.
But I do get your point. Might be the reason.
is there a bug with this as I have managed the first 10 levels of the Raid but now everytime I click the link I get the Error page and have to sign in again???
What is the minimum level achieved to get the clan's LeG troops reward? (last event was level 15, this event it said 12th level to get the artifact but nothing related to LeG troops).
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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