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Author[2019.07.15] Day of Level 1 Creatures
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Level 1 Creatures! Only today:

  • In all duels, group battles and Commanders' Guild battles, all level 1 creatures get +10 attack, +10 defence, +1 initiative, and +1 speed.
  • My ranking from best to worst:
    Skeletal bowmen, Dryads, hobgoblins/archers, stalkers, gremlin wreckers, brutes, spawns.

    Others don't matter xD
    Might as well call today as skeletal Bowman day since i don't think any other lvl1 troop would be taken in mass for any duel or anything.
    Of course today is a good day for levels below 5
    Nope, I guess this will benefit TDE players the most and stalkes will be dangerous today)
    for siddi1111:
    well i did rank it #1 for a reason but you are not completely right.

    All others i mentioned are pretty good for pvp. You probably don't see much of dryads but i can confirm that they can be quite deadly, especially on this day. Stalkers and goblin archers i dont even have to explain :)
    Stalkers and spiders both.
    They're the only ones who matter :D
    Partner out before I even noticed he was there.
    Won 1v2. That's how strong TDE is today :D

    Btw, there's something that's been bugging me for a while.
    Do people not read these daily announcements?
    Why would someone possibly play UN today when Normal Necro has such a strong power boost?
    Makes no sense to me to see builds that don't even use tier 1 :(
    Because they don't wanna. Some probably don't care, others may be want to show that they are not opportunists and can win without compromising their usual playstyle and builds.
    closed by Meshy (2019-07-16 00:00:13)
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