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Author[Event ] Secret Operation!
New event is here!

That's what the translator says , the name is still in russian
LeG event


Russian news
watch out in mid levels.

those troops do 10x damage
lvl8-10 normal damage.

lvl10 hero have 20 def.

so if you not lazy use magis and stuff like that against lvl10. worked well for me against lvl10
6-7 10x damage.
Is there a way to find out when ennemy deals x10 damage before getting half a stack downed by 2 stinky hobbits?
[Information]This information will be useful for those who joined / change / replace he thinks fighting clan already during the event. Do you have / will be able to beat those fights where no points for the clan fighting have been received. The reward for already completed levels of complexity will not be charged. Overplay those fights where glasses were obtained is not required. "Reset" button will appear at the Heroes fighting clans, who have not scored the maximum possible points clan at the current level of difficulty.

Can someone explain that?
I think it means that if you play the event and switch clans in the middle, you have the option to "reset" the event so that you can earn more points for your new clan by doing all the battles. However, you will not get the rewards for battles you have already completed.

Example: I complete the first 5 levels today, then I switch clans. I have the option to reset the event so that I can play the first 5 levels again so that my new clan gets the points, but I do not get the rewards again.

This is my interpretation, I have not tested it so use at your own risk :D
I finally had some time for an event and they give LeG event :/
I'm curious, is LeG event actually popular with players? I'm not really a fan of LeG, but they are having quite a few of these LeG events so I suppose players like the event.
http://abouthwm.ru/clan.php?lvlp=1&lvln=22&male=1&female=1&ordtype=gl1&napr=1&stat=1&cmin=15 0&cmax=200
That's the present clan rankings sorted by LeG levels.
Ukraine has average of 9.91!
Anyway, I'm curious how closely the event ranking will mirror these.
It says enemy is same for everyone.
But my lv6 enemy had 44 forest hobbits and 28 wardens, while I see someone else's battle with just 16 hobbits and 10 wardens.
Is it based on LeG level this time?
Can somebody translate from RU announcement? (something better than google)
I played until lvl 10 and it seems like easy wins so far.
Welp, first 2 days cost me over 10k. Does not look like I will enjoy this event much
I burnt over 50k last time and didn't even get all that far. No regrets.
I feel like I'll be burning through my pot of 100k before the event ends :D
173 diamonds for 7 anubis. Are they nutz?
admins must be on medication again yes this event was made to drain gold they started already
173 diamonds for 7 anubis. Are they nutz?
That's 12.6k points worth of epic creatures. On events page only 8k points worth of epic stacks are being sold for 600k gold each. By that 7 anubis is worth a million gold.

Apparently enough people think it's worth it so they are taking advantage.
easy event
Looks like bug with 10x was sold fixed at 2200 yesterday
*10x damage was fixed
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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