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Author[2020.02.09] Day of Lethargy
Astrologers proclaim the Day of Lethargy! Only today:

  • In all duels, group battles and Commanders' Guild battles, no creatures retaliate.
  • What is the difference between Lethargy and Laziness, your Honor?
    Laziness is psychological, you can feel lazy at any point of time without a reason behind it. Lethargy is more reasonable, it can usually be traced with physiological changes (Hormonal levels, Glucose spikes, Neurotransmitters, etc.) Basically lethargy can be a diagnosis, laziness not really.
    Lethargy is sluggishness and/or apathy;
    laziness is unwillingness( to do something). Laziness can sometimes spring from lethargy.
    This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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