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Authorradio for com
Why we not have a .com radio(in English), like the one that russian have?
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Our small player base doesn't really allow for that tbh. Not enough content creators or consumers to justify it.

How many people would you really trust to contribute regularly?
not know, first I dont know at what you refer when you say :``to contribute regularly``
Not enough people will contribute(if any), Not enough listeners(Small player base) to be worth the effort.
if com ppl are interested to have a radio, then they should write something here about it, if not..
I think HWM daily tried to start something like this a while ago and were also looking for RJs but no one volunteered.
Off topic but how many players in com.?
to pumpainais: not to many(at least not active), but if want to keep them, or to attract other....no one ban russian to listen com music...
Reminded me of this one

Good job Elvian, then is easy to ask Russian to give us some space(maybe 1 hour), in their radio program, to have for us some interesting things. Other ppls feel same like me, or need some improvement?
I'm curious about a radio. Think I would support. did the old lwm radio ever go on air?
In terms of playing music or discussing the game? An hour per week or month with an lwm roundup podcast type thing could be doable
Our small player base doesn't really allow for that tbh.

So true. The forums on the Heroes side have daily radio posts that get over 1,000 posts. Every single day.

Lords is nowhere near as active as that.


One thing to note for everyone, though:

You don't need to log into the .ru site in order to listen to the radio.

Just click the radio icon or go to

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