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Author | Military Clans Explaination |
I never bother to look into Military Clans before because I am interest in PVE only but i see you get lots of personal advantages and expansive artifacts by leveling the guild up. I see military clan activities everywhere in game like the labour site, in contest and so on but I dont really know exactly what is going on, can someone answer questions or maybe link that explain
1. if i join military clan do I get attacked like theives while travelling?
2. what does owning labour site do?
3. if i am not online for clan fights do i appear afk in fight? or i can choose to participate or not?
4. From what i see Military clan gives benefit to individual heroes like
-bonus stats
-some guild that you cant level up without being in clan
-some events only give rewards to heroes with MClan
Are there more?
Sorry i write alot, thank you for your time | 1. TG stays the same. You personal won't get attacked by others than theifs.
2. To you nothing. Military clans earn gold with this.
3. You can choose to participate.
4. Not really. MAybe friends and partners in fights. | thank you for explaination, locked | closed by Mercenary Exile (2020-03-13 13:35:46) |
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