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AuthorShare Markets for Military clans
I don't know if this has been suggested before.

Can we have Military clans offer IPOs to players like companies in real life?
Trading of shares of military clans would help military clans raise money for clan wars and also add an interesting feature to the game.
+1 wonderful idea

It would help growing clans so much.

But what could clans possibly give back to those players who’ve bought shares?
the clans can offer return through revenue sharing from facilities?
if i can earn gold this way, then why not its much better than that earlier post where stealing money was suggested...
for siddi1111:

Potential benefits for shareholders of a clan could be:
1. Part-ownership of a clan - Ability to vote on important clan decisions. This means shareholders can have a say in all decisions taken by clan leadership. Decisions like removing a clan council member, transfering leadership, offering loans to clan members, setting up of a new depository - location and necessity, buying a rare/enchanted art for the clan, going on war, etc would require a vote from shareholders and can only be passed once majority votes are in favour of the decision. A governing body can be built for taking care that shareholders votes are taken into account, else the "action taker" would be penalised.
2. Receive some gold every month based on the income of clan from all facilities/clan events. Also by trading the shares.
3. Additional way of having fun in the game :)

Potential benefits for the clans:
1. Raising money for use in case of wars or other needs.
2. Showing-off their worth to other clans ;)
The benefit of point 2 for clans is for recruiting the best players
I like point 2
But doesn’t point 1 just show how rich people could control clans like it’s theirs then?

Suppose a Russian puts 1 mil in my clan and asks me to attack all the rivals of his clan so that they don’t have to.
Then this kind of a deal would plunge the clan into further doom wouldn’t it?
Which is why clan council must decide on how much part of the clan's worth has to be shared with general public, like it happens in real life.

Such rich people can only buy a part in the clan with limited power of votes (according to investment). Hence, if a clan takes care not to let shareholders act as dictators of the clan, no one can do such things.
seems like an unnecessary addition
for TraceFFF:
Don't you like new adventures? Adding a new aspect to the game would only enhance the experience.
I would like this a lot but it would likely break the game.

The financial system is very delicate here and relies on the fact that there are no investable assets.

The game has no real inflation and so any kind of reasonable return on investment would cause unintended compound interest effects.

At the moment the only things in the game that give 'passive' income are
enchanters guild
smith guild
renting artifacts

and the payback period is so long that it doesn't create problems. If you could invest in clans for a decent return the whole enrolling mechanic breaks down. There would be a cohort of ultra rich players with near unlimited gold.

This would be especially problematic in the case of 'whale' players who purchase lots of diamonds. It would only take 1 player with more money than sense to purchase loads of diamonds, invest everything and monopolise the server.
for Acean:
I think you didn't read post 8. Until and unless clans themselves decide to sell out 100% of their shares, no "whale" can "monopolise" the server.

And if clans are ready to sell out 100% of themselves to such players, what stops them to do so now?
They could and would, it's a product of exponential mathematics. Any high return investment would create a concentration of wealth as in real life. If the rate was high enough eventually there would be players with hundreds of millions of gold. They would be able to control the market and manipulate prices and game economy even without defacto political control of the MCs.

It has nothing to do with how much share control an MC is willing to sell, but that is a problem in and of itself. Minority shareholders are still able to exercise considerable power and influence anyway.
Yay! The admins implemented this with facilities instead of clans :)
Thanks Admins :D

@Acean let's see if we get people with hundreds of millions of gold now ;)

I just hope they implement the share trading market apart from dividend aspect soon.
This is going to be extremely interesting and I hope the admins know their economics because even central banks struggle with these things. I'm excited for this change

The impact of the change is all going to depend on the dividend yield of these facilities and what the player base decides to price the yield at.

The day the trading goes live is going to be pretty crazy, it's like 200 company IPOs on 1 day and the first couple of days will be critical. The market is not mature and so there will be large opportunities for yield arbitrage at the beginning whilst the market determines fair market value. This could be very quick or it could take many months.

If the market becomes efficient and the prices eventually level there is a secondary risk that the shares essentially become locked up and people refuse to sell.

The fact the shares come with voting rights is a big deal also.

Very interesting times ahead, .ru are also talking about oligarchs.
I'm worried that rich people will end up buying shares for the sake of owning them (much like estates), rather than to make money off them. if this happens, the rest of us will get to make a quick buck in the beginning out of high prices of the shares, but later on will get locked out of the market.
In the worst case, we'll interact with the shares exactly as little as we interact with estate licences today.
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