Anyone who is acclimated to thievery, sooner or later, becomes all the same for what to stretch out his dirty hands for, whether it's gold, resources, supplies, or even wild creatures. Let the Empire conduct with the Hunters' guild forces a continuous struggle with the abundance of aggressive predators at large of its vast forests, but even these creatures are its property - and only imperial loyalists are allowed to hunt them. Perhaps tomorrow many of them will find themselves in the sight of a hunting bow, but today justice has been restored - and the blushless poachers have been punished, albeit not only by the hands of the Empire’s Lords and Ladies.
When the stream of smuggling slowed, the rumor mill started flying about several more caravans among the Rangers' guild representatives, the remains of which were found on the most inconspicuous trails in the wildwood depths. Apparently, they still managed to escape the vigilant gaze of the Lords and Ladies, but this still did not save them from inevitable vengeance. Immediately arriving at the scene, Councilor Feurlis barely had time to look around the forest path covered with smugglers' bodies torn toshreds, when an elf ranger wrapped in a green cloak immediately approached him.
- What happened here? - the necromancer asked calmly, continuing to examine the bloody picture spread out in front of him.
- According to the official report, the animals escaped from their cages and staged reprisals against their captors, - the ranger answered loudly and clearly.
- And in fact? - Feurlis turned his blank stare towards the elf.
- The cages were open, - the ranger continued in a quieter voice. - Either with a key or a skilled locksmith. The locks are not damaged. All extraneous tracks were carefully covered up, and a little to the west in the forest, the body of the smugglers leader was found with two stab wounds to the neck and heart. The presumptive murder weapon is a sword. Master, - the elf finished his report, awaiting further instructions.
- Continue to serve, - said the Councilor, letting go of his ward with a characteristic motion of the hand.
Barely bowing his head, the elf quickly returned to the main group of rangers, and from behind the necromancer the ghostly outlines of his faithful assistant immediately appeared.
- Take care of this, - Feurlis gave a short order, in response to which the ghost obediently bowed her head and rushed westward, dissolving between the dense thickets and tree trunks.
Dear Lords and Ladies, the combat operation to catch the smugglers has been successfully completed! It is unlikely that this will discourage them from continuing to practice their dirty trade, but they will surely remember this lesson for a long time. Warlord Grammith thanks everyone who made their contribution to the overall success. Everyone who managed to organize a successful interception of a caravan of the 5th difficulty level and above will be rewarded a trophy artifact and an achievement. The artifact's durability depends on the maximum difficulty level defeated.
The Empire also celebrates the top 50 military clans. Just rewards, as well as the loyalty of new followers, await all those who earned 10 points or more for their clan:
Clan Rank | Reward | Battle glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 8 - 10 | | 800 | | 11 - 15 | | 600 | | 16 - 20 | | 500 | | 21 - 30 | | 400 | 21. | #2304 |  IV legion of Elfius | 5,307 | 22. | #5722 |  Галерея Теней | 4,793 | 23. | #7490 |  European Foreign Legion | 4,691 | 24. | #846 |  †Академия Миротворцев† | 4,349 | 25. | #5063 |  Midgard | 4,174 | 26. | #407 |  Первородные | 4,081 | 27. | #5152 |  †Огненные рубежи† | 4,026 | 28. | #73 |  Орден Джедаев | 3,641 | 29. | #2230 |  Агенты Хаоса | 3,299 | 30. | #3975 |  Степное Братство | 3,272 |
| 31 - 40 | | 250 | 31. | #1317 |  Запорожская Сечь | 2,850 | 32. | #1488 |  Тёмная лига Некромантов | 2,829 | 33. | #3695 |  Бездельники | 2,652 | 34. | #476 |  "Путь Воина" | 2,549 | 35. | #728 |  Улей | 2,282 | 36. | #1535 |  Russian Forces | 2,070 | 37. | #782 |  Темные рыцари | 2,061 | 38. | #8502 |  ~Orden of snow leopards~ | 2,003 | 39. | #2303 |  III legion of Elfius | 1,955 | 40. | #1787 |  Scorpion | 1,928 |
| 41 - 50 | | 100 | 41. | #7705 |  † Angels & Demons Ψ | 1,917 | 42. | #5169 |  Белые волки | 1,781 | 43. | #8026 |  ‹ Три Богатыря › | 1,673 | 44. | #2735 |  Ангелы смерти | 1,534 | 45. | #15 |  Destiny | 1,478 | 46. | #1271 |  Братство Героев | 1,407 | 47. | #4260 |  Легион Ордена Тамплиеров | 1,329 | 48. | #3346 |  Радуга | 1,291 | 49. | #3305 |  Украина. Величие Запада | 1,158 | 50. | #9595 |  Immortal Dynasty | 1,109 |
| |