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Authorleaders guild
is this guild/event supposed to be so difficult? what am i missing here?
how the hell do i win over this with these basic units?

any suggestions would be more than welcome
I don't think you should play this event with LeG 0. You will lose almost all your battles.
Buy the LeG 9 potion if you want to carry more troops. But once again you don't have enough / optimum troops to do well in this event.
Either way you will end up with a loss :(
No doubt, thats what my fate turned up
btw the attack and defence parameter of the hero matters in LeG battles?
no.. nothing matzers.. no factions no hero... pure troops parameters... but troops armaments do work
ok thnx
closed by Sage Reinhardit (2020-12-28 14:23:09)
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