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No new interface for me?

AuthorNo new interface for me?
I have always HTML 5 switched on however i still only get the old interface
for NoobGamerArmy:
Personal settings.

In Graphic heading, there is a point: HTML5/Flash elements
Select "Always HTML" there.

To complete your battle, add &html5=1 in your battle link.
For eg.
changes to
i tried your suggestion and it still doesnt work?
It sounds like you might have the classic interface setting on in combat. Can you open the settings option in combat and untick the "classic" interface setting? This should return you to the new layout.

I've included a screenshot of this setting: https://www.lordswm.com/photo_pl_photos.php?aid=280325&pl_id=4404554&pid=1708150

If that isn't the case, can you screenshot your screen and settings in battle and upload them to your photo album, so that we can see what you see?
closed by NoobGamerArmy (2021-01-17 14:52:42)
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