Welcome to the Perfect Battles Challenge 2021 - Mystery Mission!
Normal Challenges
Extreme (reward: 500 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event without losing a single unit (0 resurrection cost).
Hard (reward: 250 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event while keeping the resurrection cost at or below 10% of the gold reward for that level.
Medium (reward: 100 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event while keeping the resurrection cost at or below 25% of the gold reward for that level.
PLUS Challenges
Extreme PLUS (reward: 500 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event without losing a single unit (0 resurrection cost) without using epic troops (including your mercenary).
Hard PLUS (reward: 250 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event while keeping the resurrection cost at or below 10% of the gold reward for that level without using epic troops (including your mercenary).
Medium PLUS (reward: 100 gold)
Complete a level in the Mystery Mission event while keeping the resurrection cost at or below 25% of the gold reward for that level without using epic troops (including your mercenary).
- Use any level you choose but you can only submit one link per challenge.
- You cannot submit a link that only uses grey units.
- Everyone has until 1 day after the event ends to post their submissions.
Participate by posting your link(s) and challenge level(s) below!