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About art_info.php?id=elixir4_n

AuthorAbout art_info.php?id=elixir4_n
effects from using this elixir will lasts for 24h ?
in general the elixiers last for a day, it should say that in the description as well
for jahadad:
A light and refreshing taste of this elixir gives a feeling of absolute peace and for the whole day opens up for the mind the ways of knowing the limits of his own body.

Incompatible with other elixirs. Valid until 2021 June 1.

for me it was not clear what's the meaning of "whole day"
24 hours is the rule
for Marquis Thornwald:
for jahadad:
thank you guys
closed by Diagnosis (2021-04-16 12:00:25)
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