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Courting a gentleman/lady companion


AuthorCourting a gentleman/lady companion
for kchong:

Is your suggestion *necessary* to the game??? (think about would the game close without it?)
bu so does all these personal attacks that came for me, u agree they shouldn’t be tolerated as well?

Yep, it shouldn't. Answer them specifically. Why to include a particular group of people?
I have only one doubt, that perhaps someone could clarify to me.
Why hasn't this thread been locked yet?
for kchong:
It's funny you think that way. I tend to be neutral in forum and don't really care about you guys insulting each other. And that includes you buddy. Don't pretend to be a saint.
But when you include the country , it's whole different story
for Warlock naviron:
Game needs something fresh, needs more donations to improve and get bigger. You yourself know that.

for Botmun:
Fair enough. I agree.

for rikudosennin:
Disagree 100%. Sure I’m no saint. But most players from a certain clan and country would always attack me or my opinion with these personal insults. I don’t insult any commies, maybe some russians. But I never personally insult anyone UNLESS they insult me first.

But ok be bias because you’re from INdia too
But I will admit I too have insulted people and their country, which I should not have done BUT only because these mfs wont stop these personal insults.

This is not the first time. I will close the topic and reopen a new one a few days later or when I have a new update. To those who are interested, check the russian forum which I would updated

Shame on you people who went for personal insults instead of contributing to their opinion.
There are civil players who see both sides, even two of them who have messaged me privately to drop it and ignore these toxic players.

The only losers are the pathetic sad people who have to put other players ideas down and also insult their love life, their life or anything in particular.

Close topic.
closed by kchong (2021-06-19 08:58:38)
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