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The recent incident with the mysterious magical anomalies might have been unfortunate, or even unacceptable. But not for the court magician Abu-Bakir. He understood more than anyone else how unique and invaluable the experience of direct interaction with such magical phenomena was. Every progressively thinking magician knows that not a single, not even the most daring, laboratory experiments aren’t able to compare the slightest with the real "natural" manifestation of magic. It was important only to skillfully dispose of the received knowledge to set the right indicator for further research. Reflecting on the details on his next steps, Abu-Bakir put a handful of enchanted stones into the clutches of the last remaining gargoyles, and with the sound of their obsidian wings beating he went deep into his laboratory. After breaking the magical seal on the locks of the far door, the magician turned the tree keys alternately, then waited a few seconds, followed by the click of the interval mechanism, at which point he turned the middle key in the opposite direction. With another click, the door immediately opened, letting the magician into its secret vault, lit only by a few dimly glowing magical sparks, hovering in various corners of its room. As he passed through a series of pedestals holding crystals impregnated with the essence of various entities, Abu-Bakir suddenly fixed his gaze upon one of them, enveloped by a chaotically pulsating infernal energy. A moment of distracted reflection and his attention shifted a little further up the work table, where the wooden surface was occupied by the disassembled elements of a necromancer’s staff, once taken from one of the liches of past. Next to it were half a dozen or so scrolls inscribed with arcane scripts and an old book, of which the crumbling pages showed schematic representations of ancient necropolises. Clapping his hands twice, the court magician was suddenly engulfed in a shower of light from the sudden burst of spars which he set to work. He had to have everything ready in time for the portal to open.

Lords and Ladies, mysteries of the past again call the daredevils and volunteers to transcend the edge of the opened portal of time. Anyone from the 5th combat level can join the scientific expedition to the Past in order to protect it from the aggression of local residents.The main thing is to remember that travelling to the Past can have irreparable consequences in the future, try not to make mistakes!

Features of the Portal of Time:
1) Lords and Ladies of combat level 5 or above are allowed to participate. Only shop artifacts are allowed. Enchantments have no effect;
2) Character talents, faction skills and unique racial abilities have no effect, and neither can you take your army into the battle nor cast spells;
3) In battle, you can only recruit creatures that have been found in the Empire's facilities, and improve them. A minimum of 250 crystals is required for access to the portal and will be issued to everyone wishing to attend;
4) Creatures in the army can be combined in any way and they can belong to one or more factions. Their availability is defined by having enough crystals of time to recruit them;
5) When recruiting creatures of different factions, morale is decreased. However, building the "Hall of Unity" prevents any decrease in morale when recruiting creatures across factions;
6) To cast magical spells, you need to unlock the appropriate magic guild. All spells from each magic school are unlocked at expert level.

Features of finding creatures:
1) The creature search is already available!
2) Creatures are hiding in all facilities of the Empire. The locations of creatures for Lords and Ladies of different combat levels are different;
3) At exactly midnight each day, the creature's location will change;
4) The search for creatures is available in Empire facilities and takes a certain amount of time, after which they can be attacked;
5) The battle will take place in a special format against the found creatures and their leader;
6) With each new search, the search time will increase. The search time will be reset upon win;
7) The defeated creatures will be instantly available for recruitment in the Portal of Time;
8) The defeated creatures will receive +0.25 Hunters’ Guild points and the essence gem of this creature;
9) By collecting a certain number of essence gems of a single creature, it will be possible to improve this creature from two to four times;
10) The last improvement will open access to a special creature that cannot be found in the expanses of an Empire;
11) The number of wins over facility creatures is limited and can not exceed 20+[number of wins in portal] * 7.

Combat briefing and mission of the expedition:
1) The battles with the Sentinels of the Past will take place in the format 1 vs 1;
2) For every win you can earn: Hunters' Guild points, creature armaments, Mercenary guild elements, artifacts with reduced durability along with a number of Crystals of Time;
3) The number of Crystals gained depends on battle difficulty. Initially 5 difficulty levels are available, from 1 to 5 - and you can start from any one. When you defeat level 5, five additional levels become available, from 1 to 10. When you defeat level 10, you will move on to levels 5 through 15, and so on;
4) During your journey through the Portal of Time, you can win no more than 3 battles at any level;
5) The advantageous location of the stars in the sky suggest the Portal will last only 8 days until June 8 inclusive (+3 days for finish battles, until June 11 inclusive);
6) Abu-Bakir guarantees safe return from the Past for all Lords and Ladies, but limits the number of wins to 12 per day and not more than 18 battles. Attempts are accumulated (the maximum number of wins are 96, the maximum number of attempts are 144);
7) The Empire will generously reward and distinguish by the trophy artifact all Lords and Ladies who have collected the greatest number of crystals.

And in order to emphasise the special importance of this expedition, the personal successes of each Lord or Lady will further be encouraged by the rewarding of parts of a special artifacts:

For win on the 10th level of difficulty: +1 part;
For win on the 20th level of difficulty: +2 part;
For win on the 30th level of difficulty: +3 parts;
For win on the 35th level of difficulty: +4 parts.

In addition, up to 20 parts of the Magma armour will be rewarded, according to the results, taking into account the personal contribution of each Lord or Lady to the success of the expedition.

Personal reward for the best 5,000 Lords and Ladies based on the event results:

Lord/Lady rankReward
1 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 400
401 - 650
651 - 1000
1001 - 1500
1501 - 2250
2251 - 3000
3001 - 3750
3751 - 5000

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Good luck fighting the Sentinels of the Past!
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