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World solving its problems over clan pvp

AuthorWorld solving its problems over clan pvp
Fully maxed characters, at level 23. Every goverment has a clan with those maxed heroes. What combinations do they use to dominate the world? What items, tactics?

Im going to represent Germany here:
2 Hellfire Demons, fully echanted Imperial set.
I will gladly represent my country Lebanon, by sitting it out and not participating in the fighting, because that's what most of us really want :)
It's in our nature to fight and compete, we just need to find healthy ways. Now expect new uprising until you figure out a better combo than me.
World solving its problems

for god_mom:
You talk about solving the problem as if it would be something localized in time and space.

Sadly, this is not a problem of now or here, and as such, not solvable. Its human nature, which can't be "solved". World has been warring and humans have been killing each other at small and large scales, since records exist, and even before.

Hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, have been killed directly or indirectly by human conflicts throughout history:

This is not a 'World problem' to be solved, it is merely a continuation of the same behavior humans have shown in the past, all throughout history. It is, sadly, a norm for human nature.
Humans have free will and immense capabilities what leads to both doing great goodness and great distruction
PVP of my uncles, winner gets the grandfather's land
You are not even from Germany!
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