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Watchers Guild battles seem tougher than usual!

AuthorWatchers Guild battles seem tougher than usual!
Hi All fellow mates

Am I the only one who is finding Watchers Guild battles tougher than usual?

Can't the difficulty be reduced please?
I haven’t beaten a single one. I’ve been running Pharoah, but even with max AP I barely make a dent. Pointless for me.
dont play pharoah. wg is easy if you know the counters for ceetain enemies. i play barb for pirates, fire dwarf for hunts, something with expert defense for pvp fights. necro for castle fights. so on so forth.
If you are playing pharaoh at fsl 4 without a potion then clearly that's the problem.
WG difficulty is calibrated for an average player of your CL and faction, so if they seem too hard it's likely that your stats are lagging (FSL or your non-WG guilds) your combat level. You will see the difficulty increase whenever you reach a new CL.
Thanks Guys
closed by elven_blade (2024-02-16 17:10:43)
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