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Commadners guild best exp/fsp ratio right.

AuthorCommadners guild best exp/fsp ratio right.
So if I want a pumped character it’s best guild?
If you want a pumped character you want to do all guilds that give stats in their best ratios e.g., hunts only +5hg battles, mg only +5mg battles, sometimes events give better tg ratio etc.

You just have to manage that pump status as you progress through the CL
See this link to see what goes into pump:

Each point is a stat basically except for initiative which is 0,5 points and it takes into account your highest FSL for calculating points

e.g., 1 FSL counts as only 0,25 points so won't move you over pump unless you get the full point.

CG is a good guild for pumping though ye...
Ah gotcha gotcha
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