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Topic Date
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thieve08.07, 20:412#9595bobsrevenge99908.07, 21:38, by ciopo
Hunter broadsword08.07, 19:365DmitrRUS08.07, 20:11, by blazingarpit
what ??08.07, 19:363nokio08.07, 20:08, by CGSMCMLXXV
MH set per battle08.07, 11:126Lord Quzya08.07, 20:02, by blazingarpit
Dragons...?08.07, 19:036Sylfaen08.07, 19:14, by Sylfaen
Problem to enroll.08.07, 17:208Rambo_pang4320008.07, 19:01, by hunt4food
is it possible to do MG quest with no arts on?08.07, 18:093rrrk88808.07, 18:21, by rrrk888
Does caravas' difficulty scale with arts worn?08.07, 11:323gem8508.07, 18:12, by #7279Lord yjfish
waiting for dragons08.07, 15:456hunt4food08.07, 16:09, by Lord Atheros
Does dragon ratio rule apply?08.07, 12:068elginlee208.07, 15:17, by elginlee2
Druids08.07, 13:316Ceryliah08.07, 15:06, by Ceryliah
strange08.07, 06:3018police-108.07, 13:54, by police-1
dragons08.07, 09:394Marquise08.07, 11:50, by misha222ok
market08.07, 09:276rahulkaira08.07, 10:25, by Kingsid
rapid08.07, 09:492Marquise08.07, 09:51, by ciopo
Wheres the shop with sword of might how people get them then08.07, 08:455Nottingham08.07, 09:06, by Lady Takesister
factions08.07, 08:456filowarrior08.07, 09:04, by Lady Takesister
Fractions08.07, 06:304filowarrior08.07, 06:39, by filowarrior
Dragons08.06, 16:4812chimimorio08.07, 06:11, by Lady Takesister
gifts08.07, 04:506matt__77708.07, 05:12, by matt__777
mg quest08.07, 02:178Marquise08.07, 03:53, by Lady Takesister
wizards08.07, 01:154Marquise08.07, 03:29, by elginlee2
Starting TGI early08.07, 01:3617Lord Head-Shot08.07, 02:56, by Lord Atheros
[Poll] Which weapon to enchant?08.07, 01:1414#7705Gyver08.07, 02:44, by #7705Gyver
brand while enchanting08.07, 02:182hunt4food08.07, 02:30, by Lady Takesister
volley08.07, 01:363Marquise08.07, 01:38, by hunt4food
What are the benefits of gaining levels in each guild?08.07, 01:332Shyranis08.07, 01:37, by Lord Atheros
economic stats08.07, 00:002hunt4food08.07, 00:17, by Lady Takesister
High level AI Monsters08.06, 17:4814Ceryliah08.06, 23:59, by Phaddeus
Soska08.06, 22:382poz08.06, 22:41, by Lady Takesister

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